I'm SOOO lame!

Jul 12, 2009 06:26

So I was just sitting in my chair thinknig about my plans today. Which is what I do EVERY Sunday - take the kids to my parents, have dinner, play games with my family. My mom hangs with Luke & its a break for me & baby. I get to spend time with Aaron. So I am just sitting in my rocker nursing & thinking (very sleepily), "I am always at my parents, it seems I never make plans with friends anymore.....OMG what's the date??....I obviously spaced Mel & Thorunn's housewarming, but was that Fri or Sat? And colli'e bbq, shoot, was that yesterday or today? " So I had to come to the pc to check. I COULD blame this on baby brain, but I did this shit b4. I am no good at keeping a calendar & I miss things that I really want to do! Last month, Aaron missed a bday party of one of his bf's that he never sees anymore cuz the kid goes to a different school now. :( I probably wouldn't have been able to make it last night anyway cuz Luke was a bit fussy. He gets that way at night. I don't know what I was thinking asking ppl what they were doing for the 4th cuz I really couldn't take Luke anyway! His bedtime is 7-8. So we really need to be in by that time anyway and I can;t get a sitter for him just yet cuz I am comfortable only missing one feeding. And at least last night my parents had an engagement parrty to attend so I would have had no one to watch him anyway.

So the plan is to be at the bbq @ 2. That is, if I don't space it after I go back to bed in a minute. I will probably bust out early since my parents didn't spend time with my kids this week & Aaron is supposed to meet up at their house to spend the night with my nephew. I wish calendars worked for me, but you have to use them for them to work.
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