life and stuff

Aug 13, 2003 00:03, got paid, not enough, never enough, why bother...?

anyway - after a partying hiatus, well not at all really, just been getting messy with the locals but more on that later, this month seems to be looking up: london this weekend, then infest, then work my ass off to organise maschinenfest (mega yay)

this is why these people aren't my friends - kai, overly drunk and ketted up to eyeballs in a chair puking in a bowl - some ignorant neanderthal bloke (upon order of his fat, ignorant and ugly as fuck cunting girlfriend) punchs kai in the head. why? because the girl doesn't like me. why? who the fuck knows?

at this point i could go into a seriously long rant about the ignorance of these plebeians however i wasn't at all pissed off, in fact i haven't found something so funny in ages - i mean what the fuck possesses someone?? an important lesson was learned that day - UGLY PEOPLE DO UGLY THINGS

i love it here. it's great.

but on a lighter note, nah, actually, fuck it
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