what a waste of a day

Jul 12, 2003 21:45

goddam, i hate it when i don't do anything all day, tis not my idea of fun.

however last night was tres fun - me and the wonderful helon went to mr tobi's house to see him and mandi. we all accidentally got horribly drunk (well not horribly, although both myself and helon were sick - yay).

twas great to see cov peoples (2b,mandi,mike and gary) as i dont get to see them enough these days, plus spikey dave was up from london which was cool. this may have been the reason why ket accidently happened...but anyway.

actually, i did do something good today, after getting in at about 12, going to sleep until 4.30pm i woke up and watched steve irwin - the mans a god, well maybe not a god but definately a lunatic. the only downside of this for everyone else is that i've been stuck in bad australian accent mode ever since.

yay - www.soundlust.com has got samples on the site now, this means i can waste more time listening to them.

aaargh - i smell barbecue - bastards
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