that boss eyed twat...

Oct 19, 2004 18:57

just to clear all this childishness up i've had to return to the joys of livejournal and join in.

apparently someone has been being mean to james (yorkatron), i cant imagine why anyone would do such a thing but he thought that it was me...well apparently the dislike for this person is more widespread than even he could imagine. i thought i better post this on here as well as on a comment on his LJ due to the fact that i've been taken off his friend list ( oh boo ) and all the hilarious ginger mocking was done with a friends only post.

"dearest ambliopic cunt

right then... lets get a few things straight you pathetic excuse for a human being: why the fuck would i mock or ridicule you anonymously when i am perfectly happy (and gain far more enjoyment) from doing it publicly especially as everyone that knows you gets to join in. i haven't posted on this piece of shit forum for a while and i certainly don't need it further prove what a socially incompetent shit you are. don't lets get started with petty little playgroundesque mocking (RE: the ginger thing you posted)everyones heard all that before and it's far more entertaining to mock people with obvious and un-treatable deformities like yours, remember i can dye my hair.

get a life you lonely twat.

kai x x x"

just to reiterate, altough funny IT WASN'T ME but this is DEFINATELY ME

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