Mar 15, 2004 13:41

i felt the need to transcend the metaphysical realm to say hello, floating round infinity (although beyond human comprehension) becomes rather tedious after a while.

i am, as is apparent by this post, still very much alive. i know this will come as a disappointment to some. i can empathize, believe me it's not through want of trying that im still boppin around on this mortal coil.

life is passing me by fast enough to be deemed acceptable to even the most cynical and i've been up to lots of time wasting activities in the vain hope of taking my mind off the existence of mankind. i saw evil steve's band the other day which was fun and went to see 'the start' - aimee echos's new band which was wikkid except that she'd but on a wee bit of weight since i last saw her 6 years ago. never the less i still worshiped the ground upon which she walked.

still living in stoke newington with the wondrous natbombat aka toilet gurl who has been keeping me sane and joyous. still working for millward brown, spreading misinformation and discontent among the proles.

still stigmatic and still cool as fuck.


oi oi oi cov scum - i best be seeing y'all soon and you best bring sidney and he best be plentiful and rich.
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