Mar 17, 2008 10:27
We interrupt this regularly scheduled humorous blog post (humorous to me at least, hey, what can I say, I'm my own favorite comedian) to talk about something a little bit more serious.
Apparently there's a large scale riots occurring in Tibet right now, led by monks, a la Burma (or what the hell, Myanmar). And according to news reports, the Chinese government is cracking down on the protesters, again a la Burma. Or Myanmar, for those who have to be politically correct.
I think this begs the question, just what the hell is the Chinese government doing? China has a lot of problems right now - pollution, skyrocketing wealth gap, horrendous safety issues, lethal food, pyramid schemes, and so on, so they definitely don't need the additional negative publicity. So from where I sit, it's clearly a bad idea to go military junta on the poor Tibetans wanting their own country. Especially with the Olympics coming up, there were already some rumblings about boycotting the Olympics and if this gets any worse, then it'll be 1980/1984 all over again, with only the countries who have heavy financial interests in China going to the Olympics. Like the U.S.
But before we all become alarmists, I do have this question though. Why do the Chinese want Tibet so much? For the yaks and the mountains and the Buddhist monks? If it was like 20 years ago, then yeah, they might have wanted a buffer region in their borders just in case Ronald Reagan stormed up the Himalayas. Right now, I don't think Bush would want to storm into Tibet, since there's no oil there and thus, he would never be able to get permission from Cheney.
Look, government of China. Just because you're still clinging to the last vestiges of communism doesn't mean you have to go all Stalin on their ass whenever something threatens your stranglehold on power. You're such an economic powerhouse that as long as it's quiet, no one will give a fuck. So stop shooting at the poor Tibetans!
Changing topics here, just briefly, why the fuck does Iran ever bother with elections? Who do they think they're trying to fool? Definitely not the Iranian people, I'm sure, judging from the results. After Saddam got toppled (99.8% approval rating!), Iran probably has the lamest rubber stamp elections in the world right now, so it would at least be more honest to just admit that it's a religious totalitarian state.
I mean, the country is led my religious figures. I'm sure they can do honesty once in a while, although being religious leaders, I agree that it would be difficult. But still, it would be much more preferable than having the Nigerians laugh at you for having such an obviously rigged election.