Plushies for sale lol XD;

Aug 27, 2008 22:26

Because I've got nothing to do for a while and artist-blockness had attacked my brain again... so I ended up sewing more plushies and I don't know what to do with them now XD; *is burried under tons of plushies* X_x;;;

phear my utter randomness! LMAO *dodges a flying shoes*

another randomness... XD;

my fav plush so far *3* they're so round too... <3

For more info, just click on the piccu to see them in my DA pages XD! all the info about the plushies are there X3 hurhurhur... *have the urge to make more plushies* urgh... have to stop self from making too much plushies.... *diez*

for sale, rl, hobby, plushies, sew

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