Spiritually 101
For December I thought it would be a good idea to really get in touch with and define MY spirituality.. I know these things take a life time but I've gotta start somewhere.
What to do!? The aim will be to write a statement now and to revise it after some (soul) searching. Can i honestly write up a statement that sums up everything to do with spirituality? Nope but I can give it a go. There is one thing that springs to mind and that's an amazing quote from Tornado Ail that really hit all my heart strings.
I imagine this will cover Gods and Pantheons, Books that have influenced me, Do you believe questions/quizzes, yes this is starting to sound cheesy but they help get the mind thinking if you don't take it all to heart and realise the mechanism behind it.
My thinking is that you have to know the starting point in order to grow, right? Sadly I will look at any online spiritual growth ideas.
Biggest questions will be. What do i believe, what are my SOLID beliefs and what are totally fluid, what is my spirituality and how can I define it.
The interweb tells me, Spirituality is, ".. a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, a search for the meaning of life" reading the rest of the page it suggests moral character, spiritual practices may include, mindfulness, meditation, prayer, sacred texts, ethical developments, psychoactive substances. so that's on the list of shit to do! another question I'm chucking in randomly is "what are the core beliefs in voodoo". I don't know why this has suddenly become to important.
So the next stage, what to investigate
Spiritual Practices
Sacred Texts
Psychoactive Substances
What do I believe Solid Vs. Fluid
First statement to come.. then hopefully some fun research.