But in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.
~Benjamin Franklin
This quote has been ringing in my head the last few days. The reason for that being that last week I found out that my wages are being garnished to pay for my Ex-husbands unpaid taxes for 2004. I only get paid once a month so what's done is done. I did talk with the tax man and the combo of losing 25% of my income for this month and him laughing at me... yeah... he was glad he was not in front of me
. Tax man did inform me that my Ex got my address changed to his address so that's why he knew about it (tipped his hand by saying, "Wow... they did that fast" when I told him). I had not gotten any notices till the one from my work (which showed up after the fact because they wrote my address wrong), but Tax man confirmed that the notices were sent to my Ex's address. Including the notice saying my 2006 return had been applied to the 2004 taxes. I knew my IRS check had been taken, but these are the state tax guys I am dealing with now. I had even mentioned to my Ex that I wondered where my state return went and all along he had the notice in his hand and said nothing
So, the upside is that after everything they have taken I only owe $25 out of my next paycheck for October
. I will probably not pay bills this month to live and next month I will have to pay my doubled bills from this month. That should leave me in about the same financial boat as I am in this month. Whatever... all I can do is move forward from this point. I won't ever file a joint tax return again. Especially with someone who owns his own business and his spending habits don't make it convenient to tuck away his quarterlies. Lucky for me I was only stupid enough to get talked into filing jointly for 2004.
Another update: Some of you know that my 22 year old nephew was living with me. I had to kick him out on August 23rd. Yeah... great birthday present for me
. I had really hoped things would work out, but even after exhaustive explanation he seemed determined to step on my boundaries. I have had enough of that in my life so I had to cut him loose.
Soooo.... If you have wondered why you have not heard much from me this is part of it. I am really trying not to be depressed, but when I talk to someone I have not spoken to in a while I end up explaining the whole thing and feeling it all over again. Not having money to do stuff is something that will weigh on my mind greatly. I always feel weird if I can't contribute when going out so chances are you won't hear much from me till I recover, at least financially, from all of this. So, early November? I really don't even feel much like being online, but I am guessing I will drop in from time to time.