
Apr 22, 2003 00:00

This journal is friends-only.

If you don't know me then you wouldn't want to read it anyway. If you do know me and want to be added to my friends list, comment here. Please note that I will not add you unless I know you in real life.

The Great Friends' Purge of 2008

Update - December 4, 2008: Due to my uncontrolled Internet addiction and the amount of time I've spent reading (or refreshing) my friends' page, I've had to purge my friends' list down to only people I originally knew in real life and expect to see somewhat regularly or at least occasionally. If you got purged, please know that it isn't because I found you boring or annoying, but because I found you too fascinating and wonderful.

My eventual goal is to stop using livejournal entirely because I find it far too time consuming. I am taking steps toward this by reducing my friends' list and posting less often. I do have a publicly available journal in which I post pictures and updates about the kids... if you want to read that then just comment here asking for the URL.

If you are really really missing reading my livejournal, you can comment here and ask to be re-friended. I may re-friend those of you who cared enough to find this page in my journal to find out why you weren't seeing my entries anymore.

I know this probably sounds ridiculous after purging over half of my list, but I do hope not to lose touch with all of my lj-only friends. I know where to find you and may look you up if I'm in your area (and I hope you'll look me up if you're in Ohio), though I'll understand if you weren't interested in seeing me after the purge.

Update - December 7, 2008 - This really has worked... now that I only have 21 friends (only about ten of whom are active on lj), my friends' page only gets updated about once a day, so I seldom bother to check it. Not like before, when I refreshed it every few minutes hoping for new and exciting ways to entertain myself instead of doing something productive with my time.

I do miss knowing what is going on with everyone... the day to day updates really did make me feel more connected to people all over the world... but I think this is better because I'm already feeling more connected to my kids and my husband. That has to be more important right now.

