Jan 13, 2009 10:13
I don't know where my extended vacation went. I got three weeks off of school and didn't get hardly anything useful done. The snow kept me at home most of the time, so in theory I should have gotten many things accomplished here. But not so in reality. Some time was taken up with cooking and baking (which I usually don't have time for). I did spend some time in the snow, played more games with friends and solo, and still worked a few hours in the office most days. Looking at it this way, it is easy to see where the time went, I just don't like to big "to do" list I have left now. How nice it was to relax and really enjoy life for a while though.
Our kitten is growing like a weed. She is really starting to look more like a cat than a kitten now. She went to the vet on Friday and had her operation. No kittens for us. This hasn't slowed her down much. The night Bella came home she was running and jumping around as usual. The only differences I can notice is that she has slept a little more and does a few less flying leaps when she plays.
Friday was also my 30th birthday. Though I have joked with quite a few people that I have officially started to get "old," it really doesn't seem to be that big a deal. In fact, I am looking forward to my 30's. My 20's were all about hard work and getting my life in order. Within the next year I will be done with graduate school, I now have a wonderful and loving husband, and two careers I absolutely love! My sweetie will be done with school in a year and a half. Then we can slow down and enjoy the benefits of a duel income again.
My 30's will be where I start to reap the fruits of my labor. I look forward to the stability our house gives us, the support of our established careers, and in a couple more years, when my sweeties school days are done, the joy of our own children. The nature of my professions and specialties within teaching also allow me quite a bit of flexibility in how much I work. It is nice to know that I am not required to be a slave to full time work when I have children.
Life is good now and looks even better for the future!