Mina playing my Frogger a few days ago.
Last night Mina did something she hadn't done in several weeks... waking us in the middle of the night. Poor thing has been teething something fierce here on tooth #4 for a few days, and she's obviously in pain.
So last night around 3:00 she's crying and I go in and hold her and give her a hit of teething gel and we sit in her chair and rock to try to get her back to sleep.
Just a few months ago this routine was frequent, and it was like holding an angry football. Last night I'm holding a little girl who's got her arm around my neck and her head on my shoulder... and her feet on my lap as my arm is under her knees...
I certainly don't miss getting up like that, but at the same time a part of me was a little sad to see the passage of time. Kids do seem to grow so quickly...