Social Suicide 2k8

Jan 14, 2008 17:04

I'm certainly taking a bit of a different direction in life at the moment, no thanks to of course recent events that have plagued me over the past few months. I've somewhat gone down the geeky direction of things and have made lots of attempts to create my own path rather then being heavily dragged along with others, to be honest it's been hard at times in regards to the social sacrifices I've had to make but I honestly think that once again this weekend has only highlighted the significance of making these choices and it's a lot more to do with the mighty temptation of staying inside and playing the absolutely amazing and addictive Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock non-stop.

Anyways, my weekend kicked off with the purchase of that game and I bought it to Tom's house to give it a bit of a try, so compared to my attempts of giving Mario and Metroid for a bit less then an hour, me and Tom clocked up an entire 8 hours, although it should be said there was lots of drinking and socialising and even heading out to the bar at some point in all this. Speaking of which, apart from one of our friend's being started on at the Inglewood, we had a pretty awesome time and I can't get over the joys of a $13 Long Island Ice Tea, I ended up quite drunk, squeeeee ^__^ . Because of this I ended up not being able to drive and ended up playing Guitar Hero all night till I sobered up with friends so I could drive home sober (for once somebody else drove me to the pub or heck anywhere). I gave Rise a miss because of this, in a sense I let Amanda down but then again Amanda gave Wai-Con a miss due to Rise, so heck, we're sort of even plus of course, it's the freakin' Rise, lol. XP

Me and Amanda spent a lot of time this weekend together and I know I've said this a fair few times before but I seriously am having difficulty living without this girl, she seriously does mean pretty much everything to me even if we're technically not officially going out I absolutely love her to pieces. As for why we're still not officially going out, I still think a lot of work really needs to be done on her, she's not at all going in a direction I'm very happy with, in regards to quite a few various factors that I'm extremely worried about her with. So not much has changed but I think that both of these things I've mentioned have really grown a lot stronger on me this weekend.

This weekend has also once again highlighted an extremely high demise and breakdown of my social life, I remember recalling myself being sick and tired of being surrounded by far too many doofers who constantly bug me to come with them and do little else other then talk about the joys of acid and doofing, anyways this situation has somewhat cooled off but it's far from better. Unfortunately I'm constantly surrounded with Rise whores, who are constant need to talk about how fucking awesome this club and their pills are.

I'm not trying to be all stereotypical on all my friends here but in particular a few wonderful friends who I used to have amazing conversations with about all sorts of things simply degrade themselves to people who can only talk about how fucking awesome their drugs are and all the stupid shit they've done, is very depressing and is only further proof that I do need to take direction away from people and the fact that the number of people delving into this lifestyle is proof and I am constantly resisting the pulls towards what is a heavily empty lifestyle. The other shitty thing was just when I was considering pulling off an all ages dark industrial styled rave in seeing a boom for this area in the past year, I see many of my market that I aim for simply to wander down this dark path or shall I say in this case, walking into the light but it's the wrong light, fucker, fucking, fuck!

So you clock up factors such as my lack of support at Wai-Con, my birthday, my break up with Amanda, Tara leaving Perth, panic attacks, things not exactly clicking with my close friends in terms of connecting and talking like old times and ridiculous need for so many of my friends to feel the need to make their talks sound like it's a constant pill munching contest, seriously this isn't Pacman, this is as ludicrous as small men talking about the size of their car, ..............

I basically have decided to get away from a lot of it I keep my interactions on the Wii and the dancing revolution that is DDR, I keep myself logged into my internets and am in constant fixation of new animes for pleasurable eye kandi. I live for myself and am trying to bring in far more focus to my life, I'm waiting this week for the confirmation of the new life I begin very soon, there is much studying and skills to be learnt, on top of this I will be on top of a very busy schedule which will include a new job and despite this busy schedule I will be making around half the amount of money I do at the moment. I'll be fine, I still live at home and can easily survive with money being a far more limited resource then me, I honestly think it's the problem of at least 99% of people under 30 being fucking retarded with money and I'll do a post in the upcoming week or two to educate the basic mistakes I honestly think people are mistaking.

It's bizarre, I've been running for the hills in regards to my discovery that accounting is what I seem to hack a knack or a high skill level for but it's never ever been in my slightest interest to pursue such a very vanilla and uninteresting career path but yet over the past month I've researched much around the financial areas and realising this really could be my thing or area I specialize in and these are definite skills I'm willing to take in with me into real life situations, so I far from fear this course, even though if I try to throw in a social life, I will be quite fucked for time and am going to be see my stress factors rising mega skywards in the coming months.

I'm focusing a lot on a couple of goals I've made for myself over the next few months as the list follows.

- Confirm my entrance into TAFE and prepare myself for the term in particular with finding out the starting date and my timetable

- With the knowledge of my first day at TAFE, officially confirm this to my current job and hasten the process to secure a job at the start of my TAFE course

- Start patching things up with Amanda and basically steer our friendship back into the beautiful relationship we're so close to having at the moment, the main problem is in regards to getting Amanda on the right track, in the worst case scenario Amanda could prove to be a hindrance to my goals in the first few months this year but there's so much to absolutely aim for in regards to this friendship

- Start up internet banking, an internet portfolio and purchase my first bundle and package of shares or alternatively look into a managed fund.

- Have a goal of having a savings plan of at least 5% of all income earned, at the very least look for saving a decent amount for a holiday later in the year.

- Have a portfolio growth of at least 7%, this is the current cash rate, 4% or 5% is acceptable due the weaker markets at the moment however not every market is weak and if I can exploit this I'd say that 10% is definitely achieveable especially with the areas I'm definitely considering looking into.

- Complete Max 300, basically this is the god of all DDR tracks, this will be a massive achievement for me in terms of having put so much time, effort and money into the game and will be one of the most satisfying achievements for me ever. It might sound lame and geeky but the amount of practise I will have to put into achieving this will actually equate me to getting very, very fit. Also, one day, Through Fire and Flames, Expert on Guitar Hero 3 too. XP

- Start a bit of an anime collection and try to get more new music, not only just more EBM/Industrial, in particular I've really got lots of cravings for metal, big beat, Swedish pop (think Aqua, Toybox, and quite a bit of Japanese music in general.

- Tom has given me some awesome new books to start getting into and I've got 3 very interesting and shocking books to dig into, it's going to be a bit of an effort with school books on top of that as well but I like improving my brain capacity and intellectual abilities and also reading up and looking into quite a few various issues in newspapers, magazines and newspapers would be great.

- Getting some tips and trying to put my first proper EBM/industrial mix out to people. Also figuring out why the fuck I'm trying to learn how to mix industrial when nobody in Perth is that interested in hearing it too would help, hahaha! XP

- Making social occasions more fun, more of a focus on people I can have decent conversations with and a lot of fun with in things I'm interested rather then just taking a shitloads of drugs to make anything fun. Pop one more pill at Breeze and Whizkid coming up and after that, no more pills and basically restrict myself to pretty much alcohol, which shouldn't be too hard considering the number of times I've drunk vodka in the past few months.

- Have fun, live life to the fullest, have no regrets but at the same time, trying not to do anything to stupid as well.

- Think of more goals to actual fill this in with and to stop writing stupid shit like this in my LJ and having people read it

raving, mixing, geek, reading, waicon, amanda, alcohol, vodka, goals, smirnoff, guitar hero, long island ice tea, social, acid, books, relationship, wii, rise, friends, doofing, ddr

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