Sayonara Scintilla and Willkommen Endzeit

Dec 20, 2007 20:45

I decided to forget about all this and focus on the second day @ Wai-Con which was a lot more fun and relaxing although a bit more boring with all the stores having been badly raided the first day of all the great merchandise, thank god for my early moogle purchase! There was less Guitar Hero around and less people though so it was a bit more easier to breathe through, Tara also made it in the day to prove that despite her big weekend she still made it unlike many multiple pikers, grrrr, kupo!

Tara has entered the buliding, w00t!

Unlike last time, I got to see the whole Cosplay show and my god the hosts were excellent, I’m in utter shock that guys like this can have me constantly laughing non-stop about all sorts of things for day while the likes of Rove and especially Letterman make me want to throw a brick at the TV in pure frustration. Anyways, the cosplay was very excellent and honestly both days were as good as each other, although on Sunday there was a lot more Yaoi and fanfiction gone a bit far in Kingdom Hearts but my god, was it hilarious!!!!!

Most of you don't want to know but if you <3 Kingdom Hearts, then ROFL!!!!!

Many mega highlights of the day included a charcter from the wrong anime appearing on stage during someone’s performance only to be told. “You’re not from this anime, shun, shun the non believer!” The Kingdom Hearts skits were hilarious and of course my favourite when a really horrible ringtone came on and someone answered it the host ran over towards him and screamed out really loudly, “Hi mum, I’m at Wai-Con, please don’t pick me up now!” Best ever. Also references to kick out cricket and World of Warcraft fans won my heart over too.

The cosplayers all unite.....

Me and Antonia ended up spending most of the day together, had some food after the cosplay, bought lots of silly random stuff earlier that day by Antonia since I bought most of mine yesterday, some highlights included a random character cushion with only one ear and free Japanese phonebook manga, so whack, she left @ around 6pm and I ended up watching the closing ceremony with Tara and a few others.

Kerry-Anne gone complete Japanese for the 2nd day.

After it all ended Tara asked me if I wanted to hang out with her, I should have said no but to be honest I never ever get to see or hang out with this girl and due to my relationship I don’t usually have many chances to hang out with people so I decided to take advantage and spend some time with her and a couple of her friends including our favourite, the moogle! *Hums Final Fantasy battle victory theme* Kupo!

Tara has created the uber-moogle, kupo!

Before leaving the city to go off to drink alcohol I got in contact with Amanda only to find that she was somewhat depressed and not in a real talking mood, it was the first time I had gotten through to her today and she was still with Josh. I decided to ignore it and drink away my problems later on.

Despite barely knowing any of these people they were all lovely people and I ended up having lots of fun drinking, eating pizza and chatting away to all and in the process learn a bit more about metal too. Me and Tara found out that we actually had a fair bit in common and became more then just people we bump into because we have the same friends, so it was nice to make another friend and the sealer was her listening to me in regards to what should be done about me and Amanda. (I’m not going to say anyone’s opinion, but I’ll later explain what I’ve been told overall by my friends in general)

Me, Tara and our uber adorable moogle baby.  Kupo!   Kupo!

Couldn’t get to sleep till around 1:30am, got barely any sleep, woke up hungover and woke up to my Veronicas ringtone, I know, lol, left everyone goodbye, got home, showered, ate and survived the day without barely any trouble, there is a god, it’s red and it’s a bull, lol. Strangely this can I had was ridiculously strong as I didn’t feel tired all day from one can, bizarre.

I got home and I end up having the first huge chat with Amanda over the phone and lets just sum it up quickly, there was a lot of emotion a lot of me yelling and her crying a lot thanks to her come down, I was utterly outraged when I got to speak to her due to all the events on the weekend. I don’t think I’ve ever been this angry over a phone in my entire life, I had no problem absolutely blasting Amanda over the phone, it didn’t bother me that she was crying because I honestly think she had it coming, it was simply the consequences of her actions.

I’ll sum up the phone call in regards to what has happened over the weekend that pissed me off, it was basically two things that really set me off. The first being about the argument I had about her using me, that she actually didn’t this weekend but she has far from shown that this is the case though, choosing to hang out with people who just constantly give her what she wants non stop. The other issue is really the trust and cheating issue, she basically had her hands all over Jordan on Saturday night and spent a ridiculously long time with a guy who Amanda claimed was ‘creepy’ and now went on and on about how he’s suddenly this great guy who she claims she connects with better then me and they 'talked for hours', I have got major suspicions due to the ridiculous amount of time she ended up spending with Josh on the weekend, considering that she informs me she didn't sleep at all. She ends up telling me how he’s actually this amazing guy and she clicks with him on this absolutely amazing level, I would rush to tell this to my friends, not my partner though and my god I did not need to hear this and this was just kicking into overdrive the need to get rid of this girl no matter what has happened in the past 8 months.

I end up deciding to continue this relationship on the provision she does have a lot to show and prove to me in regards to her disrespectful behaviour towards me on the weekend, feeling at a bit of a crossroads I end up talking to a couple of my closest friends who offered some good advice and came up with some good things to talk and ask Amanda at the next possible oppoturnity. In reply to what they said about what she had done, they all agreed that after Saturday, I should have dumped her, after Sunday they want to know why the fuck I allowed that, quite simply, they suggested…..

To break up with Amanda.

josh, tara, drunk, kingdom hearts, cheating, guitar hero, waicon, amanda, anime, relationship, jordan, gaming

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