Do not pass go and don't collect $300, cause now you owe us $100........

Aug 19, 2007 15:14

Not really the best of weeks although considering my life I have very little emo bitching to be done but there is one thing that is fucking shitting me off.

I worked my fucking ass off for 20 hours, including a 5 hour shift in 40 degree heat with barely any water provided, working ridiculous hours and ridiculous tasks for what? 20 hours of work = PAYING $100. What utter fucking bullshit, the worst thing is that it’s near impossible for me to sue their asses since their a huge corporation and simply they have a sheet of paper claiming they’ve paid me while my bank statements can not find their payment at all, the same ones which I showed them to pay into my bank account, honestly, fuckers, if you don’t get the paying $100 I have to pay tax on money I didn’t receive, thankfully I do get a decent tax return when I get this all sorted out though.

Finally got to see Saw 3 and my god, even on a very small TV, that movie absolutely creeped me out insanely, while I don’t exactly brag about how horror films aren’t that scary I don’t think any movie literally left me shivering throughout the whole thing. I must say, it was quite awesome and even watching something like Silent Hill was tame, must say I enjoyed that, on another note, The Simpsons movie didn’t suck like I thought it would but by no means was it absolutely groundbreaking, was hilarious for the first 20-30 minutes then the rest dulled somewhat, *sigh*. Back to Saw, for those interested, Saw IV comes out in two months I think, saw the trailer on Dailymotion which I’ll get onto later on.

Redid my hair for those yet to see it there are pictures below and also on my myspace and shock horror my new vampirefreaks profile which is far from finished I should quickly add. It’s been dyed all red for a while now or as I sit here now, somewhat orangish, however the process ended causing some nasty peroxide burns for the first time, eek, however this was not the worst of my problems as I’ve been struggling with another sickness, this time it’s a cough which has plagued me to a homebound weekend, a DDR session proved last night I’ve somewhat recovered almost to full health though.

I’ve finally gotten off my ass to look for studying options for next year and like my last attempt at hairdressing, yep, I’ve hit another roadblock with Stockbroking and might be tempted to look into Accounting when I can be bothered because I’m seriously getting sick and tired of this shit in regards to even finding study let alone putting in the effort.

Having gotten better, rediscovering myself once again and honestly nothing uber drastic really just more or less getting more energy and with Winter almost over and Earthdance to get excited about I’ve just just got a bit of a happier view on my life. Plus of course Amanda has done dramatic things to help me stay happy in what hasn’t been on of the easiest of months in regards to stress and energy.

Also next week comes really a moment that is good but significantly sad for me and that’s basically, me, Janine, Amy, Rhys and Amanda all getting our stuff of each other, of course I want my stuff back and happy to give their stuff back but I honestly can’t help but feel that this is a lot like a break up and in a sense these people have meant a lot to me at one time but now they seem to barely mean a thing to me, if anything it certainly has proven a reminder that while they were happy times and what everyone including me thought I wanted out of life but I guess it wasn’t my true calling in life till I found Amanda which I’m hoping to spend lots of time with during the week.

I also realise that I’ve been a bad friend and haven’t seen a lot of my friends this Winter, I apologise much for this, stress, sickness, Amanda (me seeing her, not me blaming her I should hastenly add), work and my moods have really prevented a lot of this from happening. I guess I haven’t really been myself a lot and have really comfortably slipped into a very anti-social mood which I must admit I’ve enjoyed a fair bit away from my highly busy and stressful schedule. It’s certainly been nice to slow down and let life relax but I must admit I don’t think I can enjoy this for much longer although I would like more time like this I must admit.

I must admit I don’t think I’m exactly going to light the world on fire in the upcoming months but I don’t feel I need too, the quieter things are, the better, having some nice stories for this journal would be awesome and nice to look back on I must admit but anyways failing that I’ve got a fair few things to certainly keep me busy but this weekend there’s considerably a lot less.

Random shit:

Might be ridiculously slow but Fix by Aesthetic Perfection, fucking work of art, wow, Amanda is trying to get me into hardstyle and gabba and hilariously discovered a Combichrist version of a Neophyte track, just as I was slowly getting over them.

Don’t know if it’s because I’m 21 and getting older but my god it’s fun to laugh at some of the emo lentils running around these days, just dear god the whole idea of an emo kandi raver is ridiculous, like serious wtf, I could go on and on but sheesh, it hurts, badly.

The new DDR for the Wii looks really crazy too on a random note, finally saw gameplay footage, woah.

Anyone who thinks I’m way over raving, I must admit I watched the video on Total Eclipse and was bummed out I wasn’t there, besides the uber packed crowd it looked like lots of fun.

I swear Youtube is the next Napster, very much a similar story on a totally legal concept that is breaching so many copyright violations and becoming the most popular place on the internet and depending on what you watch some of you have noticed a shitload of videos are getting removed off the website and other websites like Daily Motion are really building up in popularity over this.

I miss Amanda lots <3

Ironically, it looks exactly like the same hair I had last year but it so doesn't look like that in real life....

saw, raves, amanda, future, epa, ranting, friendships, energy, pictures, vampirefreaks, horror, work, sickness, tax, simpsons, myspace, bitching, career, ddr, emos

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