So close to the dream

Aug 11, 2007 23:11

Remember a few months back how I said I would possibly write a bit more about that new Amanda girl I met for the first time? XP

Now the final part and that missing piece of the puzzle and my god was this a big and important piece and it fitted so perfectly into place. The story of me and Amanda has been a beautiful one so far and there are so many amazing chapters still yet to be written into our futures although I can’t say it exactly started completely to plan but it only made us stronger in the long run.

It has been such a long time since I’ve waited for a real moment like this and I don’t think the timing could have been much worse in regards to us first going out. I had gotten out of while not a bad but a pretty mediocre relationship and was just getting used too and enjoying single life, this was basically in turn with my new close friendship circle of Janine, Amy and Rhys that really made me forget about issues like this and in turn really made me have barely a single emo sad about being single compared to so often in the past.

If things were to change I did approach an interesting time when I was socialising with people and during the time wish I was showing interest in Amanda and her showing lots of interest back this was really the only time in my life I was aware off when there were quite a lot of attractive and decent options in terms of potential girlfriends and without a doubt they were way beyond the girls I had liked or gone out with in the previous years. I’m not really going into any great detail here as quite a few of these people I liked ended up being such great friends in the end and making comparisons and ranking my friends is so myspace.

It started crazily enough literally just a week or two after I broke up with my previous girlfriend when Amanda added me on myspace with a random message, like many other people in myspace land who come an add me I though little off it although it was nice to see someone who randomly added me and actually took the effort to send a nice greeting to me. I would have absolutely laughed if you told me this girl was soulmate at the time and well fast forward to 4 months later and things started to get interesting and pick up.

In between this time I started hanging out with one of her best friend’s at the time and mine too, Janine and this led to the start of me and Amanda communicating for the first time and myspace broke out into messenger and to be honest things just went quite well straight away between the two of us, I can’t say I’m one to rave about how great it is to meet people via the first impression straight away off the net where it’s not the best indicator to judge a person compared to real life behaviour but I must admit it was something decent and most importantly did lead to our first meeting.

I must admit I was a bit nervous to see this girl, as I saw 2007 the possibility to really be the year to start getting things a lot more to my liking and definitely trying to get this girl as a good friend of mine would certainly mean quite a bit to me. We met up in the city which is really one of the most overdone places I’m constantly doing with people but seeing someone in the city for the first time is always a very interesting fresh breath of air in regards to getting an idea of how someone can change someone’s view on what is usually seen as procrastination.

So I finally met her and I just don’t know what exactly happened but I honestly found this girl to be one of the most easiest random I’ve ever talked to in my life, having barely gotten any background information on this girl we just seemed to be able to have a conversation very much in the same way I could have with my closest friends. Oddly this somewhat managed to continue throughout the whole night and revisiting the usual places that I’ve constantly tried to pass the time in certainly was a lot more interesting and more livelier with Amanda around. I struggle to really look back towards a highlight in particular as it really was the whole time that really made it special.

I remember going home after the end of that night having a really happy feeling about that meeting, not because it met my expectations but it was beyond my expectations not necessarily with her but for anyone I could have met ever. I remember putting little in my Livejournal about her, only claiming the slight possibility of having her name become mentioned in here more often, haha, yes, it did appear more often in the end obviously, haha.

I guess I refused to write too much more about her as I looked back on so many previous moments in regards to meeting such wonderful people and simply watching a lot of these magical moments disintegrate into nothingness. The next night was quite interesting as it was going to be her first doof and it was the first time that Rhys, Janine and Amy would get to hang out with both of us together.

The drama between Rhys and Janine once again hit big time once again and set the mood quite low until much hours later till me and Amanda were finally free from all of this. I ended up pilling that night and as I type this, this was the last pill I’ve taken to this date. Even with the euphoria of the pill, this was a highly significant and happy moment for me to be with this girl and we ended up dancing and when my pill kicked in we were looking up at the beautiful star lit sky and we had our first kiss then, I was trying to heavily convince myself and believe that this was really real and not just the effect of the pill and that everything for once would finally go perfect it didn’t take long before that got wiped away.

Janine took me away so that she could have a talk to me without anyone else around. Janine had wanted to contact me the night before which she was unable to do so, she sat me down and told me that she had a crush on me. There’s nothing wrong with anyone ever telling this to me, especially as the pill she had taken had made her a bit emotional and opened her up and let her spill out all of her feelings for me, there was even a kiss involved.

My response at this? I just remember shaking my head in disbelief and demanding why in all of the time with our friendship she literally picked that very moment to do it. There were two highly complex things about this, the first being that Janine and Amanda were virtually closest of friends at the start of this night and if anything I found out later that Janine was telling Amanda that she would do everything in her power to set both me and Amanda together, the second part which made things worst was that Janine was probably my biggest crush for the year.

We all ended up crashing at Amy’s place that night very quickly after arriving there and I had another chat to Janine and while she told me to not tell Amanda a thing that was said, she wasn’t too hard to read for Amanda and she quickly guessed what was obviously said in the conversation, despite this me and Amanda ended up sleeping together and we ended up having quite the most randomest insomniatic conversation in bed about all sorts of things when I was off my pill, it was somewhat really strange that this wonderful day yesterday on the first day we met was still able to continue and as you may have guessed things did get a little bit more further then that first kiss in bed and as fun as it was I never knew how hardcore and interesting things were bound to get a lot later.

The week afterwards was supposed to be a dream come true considering I had the choice of the two girls I would have liked to go out the most fighting over me but this was anything but a dream. Instead of looking positively at how wonderful both these two were it ended up being much fighting, bitching and as for the choice everyday that week I ended up changing my mind between the both of them that day, in the end I decided I would only make a decision till I was 100% sure that I wanted only one of them.

The next weekend was a good chance to ignore everything that was said and just find out for myself with a night with Amanda on Friday and a night with Janine and her friends on Saturday night. The night with Amanda on Friday was certainly a really special one when I taught her how to play DDR for the first time, ended up randomly walking around through Northbridge and lying around and watching a near empty and starless sky but still lying around in a park with Amanda was definitely enjoyable and quite fun.

Once again, Amanda had really started to slay a lot of my doubts and uncertainties in comparison to the many people I had feared her to be like in the past as the connection I really had with her was beyond imagination with anyone I ever have had. It was a really amazing feeling, she really was 100% real and the night was magically tricky to explain as it was like hanging out and being with my best friend but yet I she really was screaming out completely loud all over that this had to be my next and probably my last girlfriend ever.

The bar certainly was raised very high for Janine, as a matter a fact it was set astronomically high for her to even get anywhere near which left her little chance for tomorrow which she blew very quickly on the night with Amanda. Within about 90 minutes after me and Amanda had started out night together I received my first text message from Janine demanding a lift because they were too stoned to catch the bus home, I thought very little of this and obviously had no interest of having my time with Amanda interrupted for this, I got a second message begging to do so and when I said no again I was told that I had ditched my friends. I guess in regards to me and Janine going out, the book on that literally was slammed shut and ended on that night. With that having happened and the perfection happening between me and Amanda I knew I had to keep this going and secure it for myself, I knew that if I said nothing I would literally have had something this amazing and magical that only had ever come in my life this once to only slip away into somebody else’s arms. At the end of the night I spontaneously asked her out, strangely unlike everytime I’ve asked somebody out this was the only time I can remember not being nervous at all in doing this at all. She said yes and a happy new chapter was about to begin…… Actually this was to be quite delayed unfortunately.

The next night came my turn with Janine and her friends and first thing was obviously telling them the news about me and Amanda going out which funnily enough never really made them deliciously happy, oddly Rhys who did get very pissed off about me and Janine making out considering the history with these two being such close friends and Rhys’ obsessive stalker-esque love on his ex Janine. So the night came for us to see how much my friends would still mean to me and if there was ever going to be a small maybe with Janine.

If there was ever a night to sway things back in Janine’s favour after the beautiful night me and Amanda had spent our first night together officially as a couple this was far from it at all. We ended up going to a doof party ridiculously far out which ended up being a quite boring house party in the middle of nowhere, bored shitless there was the temptation to pop another pill to make things more interesting but to be honest, I felt it more fun to catch up on sleep, an hour or two later and Rhys knocked on my car door complaining of boredom and nobody having got pills that worked, I certainly was far from regretting the choice of picking Amanda over Janine.

To say that this was the end was far from it ended up pitting my best friend against my girlfriend and it seriously seemed that it was never ever going to work out to ever have both. To make things even worse during the fighting I ended up having my friendship between me and Roos sacrificed and destroyed greatly. Everything was beginning and getting wonderful between me and Amanda but it was bound to come at great cost and sacrifice, the question of whether true love would really conquer all was truly given a hugely challenging first month to survive.

Obviously the fighting meant a lot of time spent with Amanda and little of it with Janine and unfortunately a lot of time away from Janine dragged me so close to almost making a very poor decision of choosing to date Janine. I thought I had basically dived in far too deeply with Amanda that I had never really given Janine a chance at all and I was curious to know what I was missing out on at all, as my love for Janine was still slightly lingering into the first weeks of our relationship.

I remember saying Janine in that week that if she really wanted me that all I required of her was to open herself up to me and to see if there was a chance that something magical like what had happened with Amanda was bound to happen. She made very little effort to do this and later regretted and wished she had never said she had a crush on me. Why she even said it in the first place? There could be multiple reasons, in regards to her desperation to find a guy and me somewhat doing a decent job in filling that job, trying to get back at Rhys or whether there was little truth in her ever loving me a bit more as a friend. It really did prove to be something that caused a hugely significant amount of trouble for all of us and the disintegration of my close friendship circle that had really made my 2007 what is was with Rhys, Janine and Amy and now shifts the focus away from all of it and onto Amanda and the real start of our slightly delayed beautiful start but the dream really started finally happen and this girl really did turn into my best friend, soulmate, true love and everything. <3

amanda, dreams, fantasy, beauty, love, sex, rave, janine, girls, doof, rave crew, drama, true love, soulmate, bitching, friends, ddr

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