2010 part 2

Dec 31, 2010 12:05

This one is a bit more dedicated to some of the highlights and interesting events in 2010

May have lost my way with In The Groove in the past months but earlier in the year, finally completed the 10 step/second nightmare that is Fer Sure with 1337 steps and the body distorting Move Your Body on doubles.

Melbourne, was one dramatic experience, Melbourne saw an experience completely the opposite of what I wanted, learning maybe Melbourne was a bit overhyped (it's still awesome but it's not the cybergoth, industrial filled paradise it's made out to be) and it was Hairlucination's worst showing ever, met a few interesting people including one girl from Singapore who pretty much saved the trip from being a complete nightmare, oh and absolutely hated Tiger airlines. X.x

Eventwise, it was a forgetable year, Aesthetic Perfection played for about 30 minutes to an empty crowd, Placebo was awesome but hard to get into on a 40 degree day. The Horrors were good but honestly looking back, I think Muse stuck out as a highlight, I'm one of the few people who really think Muse are alright but I can absolutely see what all the hype was about now, one epic show, especially one for free that I was originally happy to work at.

As for places, I think Deville's was probably one of the best places for me this year, a bit expensive but Josh helped out with a membership card but it's a lovely place, decor is fantastic and they enjoyed engaging in variety, not just with music styles, but with bands, performances, themes and people. I'll admit Sin always gave me excellent nights but Deville's was definitely one to remember. As for raving, sadly this may be the year I might see myself giving up, I'm getting a bit old, lacking the energy, not connecting with the new kids and basically pissed off that dubstep is now a rave genre and big beat breakbeat never got a look in, (think Smack My Bitch Up, Breathe, Supermoves, Omen, Push the Tempo) was the last straw.

Julia was probably my favouritest friend of the year, she was by far always up for doing all sorts of things and has a lot of motivation to achieve so many things which I found fascinating. There were many others I enjoyed spending time with, in particular Tom, Shula, Kae and Lystat stood out as some really awesome people to hang out with. A big thanks to Susannah in Adelaide for being the most awesomest person outside this state and helping kick start Neko Nation.

Had my hand at DJing, I honestly think I had it for a good mixed set at Sin but since DJing slots seem to be picked by friendships rather then talent, (just look at Koe being barred from DJing at Sin), I never made it, might be a possibility to try Club Unknown, would be nice to start but that's if I have the time or motivation (there's barely a crowd but might be fun to get some practise). Tried mixing a few different genres, failed with dance but learned to master J-Core by the end of the year.

I guess there were a few other moments in the year but honestly, those stick out for me at the moment. ^^
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