
Feb 16, 2010 23:29

So while I've said a shitload of times I'm dedicating this year towards my girlfriend, Hairlucination and university, it's not really all. There is so much more I would like to achieve this year or possibly the next year as well that I'm intending to do. Some of the best moments I've had were some of the most randomest adventures and there's been a few that have gone totally to plan and yet I've never bothered to re-create again. It's a great start to the year but I do miss the crazy social life I once had, it really does seem like I'm getting old. x.X

So my list of things I would like to do over the next year or two in no particular order.

1. Holiday
I love travelling to bits and I can not wait to do so again as I've had amazing experiences on my last two holidays in the last two years. I'm aiming for a trip to Adelaide in the middle of the year, I had a blast there last year, there are some really cheap prices and I have business intentions for this trip for going. I'm possibly within a month of making this trip.

2. Half Marathon
I've got this bizarre thing going with my health and fitness, I can be good to myself at times and at other times extremely destructive. I said last year I had intentions of doing the City to Surf and another fun run but pulled out due to either a late saturday or plain laziness. I have pulled of a few 10km runs last year but it would be nice to pull off 21kms. Improved fitness has done some tremendous things to my energy and life quality. People may be surprised at this but then again, these are probably the people who haven't seen me play ITG/MGD, XP.

3. DJ @ Sin
I'm expecting a lot of "NO WAIIII!!!!11!" for this one. It's not a ridiculous one since honestly, I'm probably one of, if not the most passionate industrial fan in Perth that is yet to DJ. I've been heavily interested and collecting industrial for well over 6 years now and have made various practice attempts to beatmatch, which is virtually unheard of at Sin. The main reason I'm not DJing, probably due to a lack of confidence to actually send a set in but hopefully one day I'll have a mix I'll fall in love with and try out with......

4. Photoshoots
I remember back when myspace was actually popular and used I had this huge thing with camwhoring, something weird happened, I did it a bit less, I don't know whether it was my social life and online presence declining and my life getting a bit full on, my lack of finding new looks and new things to try, possibly. However I really need to revive this part of me. I would like to go out and try a fair few amateurish photoshoots just for the fun of it and get a few good pics and I remember the fun involved in the J-fashion parades in the past and would love to get involved in a professional photoshoot too sometime in the future.

5. Multiplayer gaming sessions
This isn't something I'm losing sleep over or have gigantic plans for but I've found some of the best times I've had is chilling back with a friend or even better friends and playing some video games that we're all even at. With everyone not really giving a shit about the Wii any more this is generally becoming a lot harder. Not a must do but yeah, I definitely would like to have more gaming sessions with friends.

6. Raving all night
I remember when I first started raving, the first raves I went to, I would stay all night till the end. Things have changed massively since then, however I have had some absolutely amazing nights at raves but sadly I can barely recall any of these recently. One part of me thinks I might be too old but I'm still having fun so I see no reason to stop and would like to pull an all nighter to relive the good old days. I would have rather picked visiting Mera Luna or Summer Darkness but like that will happen soon. x.X

7. Formula Ford Drive
Life has been far too safe and plain on my end and a chance to drive a formula ford car would absolutely be fantastic. There is a company in Perth that lets you drive one for around $600-700 on Barbagallo and going for a blast at 200km/h and drive a proper open wheeler race car at speed would be such an amazing adrenline rush. Wouldn't mind also going down the Autobahn and also going for a spin around the Nordschliffe but that's for another day when I finally visit Germany.

8. Dinner with Mark
When people answer the question in terms of if you could have dinner with anyone, people are lame and pick celebrities. Personally, I get too starstruck and seriously I'd have no hesitation in picking Mark. Mark was a huge mentor, inspiration and father like figure to me and while we've both got our seperate lives, there's a lot that he does that I can really learn and relate to from him and it would be absolutely amazing to have a nice long chat with him once again and there is a good chance it may happen soon.

9. New friends
There is seriously nothing wrong with my friends, it would be great and awesome if I can see them and hang out with them more often but I would love just as much to have some new friends that I would be able to talk to and get along with, especially in ways that I'd get along with few other people or no-one. I think there are some areas that are very hard to understand me that barely anyone could, so meeting more interesting people would be nice but finding people I can maintain a good conversation with will be a challenge. I should hastenly add, probably one of the main reasons me and Milleh are going so well is that there is an amazing amount the Milleh knows and can figure out about me that is pretty much so difficult for even some of my closest friends.

10. Kick my computing addiction
I love my computer to bits but I'm really thinking too much, for some odd reason, it's my link to stability, I have to hugest compulsion to get on the net for no reason at all at times. I'm seriously wasting far too much time on my computer these days and while yes there is a decent amount of time I'm using the computer for proper purposes and good and even times I just want to chill out after a hard day, I'm wasting far too much time just doing shit all, when there is simply so much more I can do and am not really getting the most out of the day, hell I should be completing FFXII instead which still sits at 100+ hours.
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