The Venus Project

May 14, 2009 21:54

One thing that has been heavily of interest to me in recent times has been The Venus Project. This is a huge revolutionary idea of thought about the creation of a much greater world to the current problem filled world that we are living in. If you look at the banner and even better click on the link this is far froma slight tinkering of current systems, this is a change on an immensely large scale and at first this was something I dismissed at being quite farfetched but the beauty of this idea is that it is quite realistic to an extent and honestly, overall while it's far from perfect it's far better then our current system. The team behind this project are far from idiots, with every single possibility and query answered in their FAQ's page.

The idea of no money and no jobs has been a huge one that has stuck out immensely, as someone who is studying accounting I can honestly tell you, the more I learn about this topic, the more I realise how bullshit the concept of money really is. Money is purely evil and creates a nasty power struggle so a few illuminati can control the world while many well have to endure horrible suffering just to even survive day to day. We live in a world where we derive to create profits for ourselves and before we quickly point our fingers at greedy companies trying to stop at nothing for vast sums of profit, the everyday person encouraged this with high levels of share ownership and investment, let's not forget for those who have never even watched a finance report or wouldn't go anywhere near the stockmarket, your superannuation is dependent on the performance of many large companies and investments.

The idea to do away with money would only be better for all, so this left the whole idea that money exists so that society will function, people will only do their jobs for money. However, the whole idea of people doing their jobs for money is not necessarily a great system at the moment, we see many people who aim for careers that they are not best in for the pursuit of money. Also while it's not really something you want to think about while you're on the operating table but it's quite likely that surgeon who is saving your life is more likely saving your life because of money, rather then having a genuine need to save your life and as many lives as possible, a monetary system does not bring out the best in people by far.

With a resource based system we will be able to do what we want and desire and we will be far better and more dedicated to what we want to do, the question is whether this will necessarily be towards the greater of society is the main question, I personally believe in general, this probably will not lead towards a better society at all, since this is likely towards to lead towards a high influx of artists, fashion designers, musicians at first but maybe things could change as people find their own things to help standout. The whole idea is that machines should be able to completely do all the work, however I really can not see this working without some supervisory control and how this will work and be decided in the system will be open to a lot of debate without any bias involved, this is an area I'm open too but would need far more convincing though and I doubt I would be the only one in this case.

The idea of no leaders and the computers leading over a human government, it is not too impossible due to great advances in artificial intelligence and think about the use of supercompuer to solve intensely complex problems and while many have feared that having all the machines do the work will lead up to a robotic revolt, I honestly have more faith in a computer making decisions, yes, computers and not perfect and make errors but can we say the same about humans? There is the case that computers can be easily manipulated by anonymous hackers however this isn't too different from say humans being controlled or influenced easily by other humans too. I would prefer a computer in charge due to their higher capabilities in terms of being able to make decisions based on their greater ability to compute more data and being able to see further ahead with situation and review many possible scenarios, while humans do have their heart of gut instinct you could argue but I'd probably pick the machine over the human choice.

The concept of no laws and no prisons is a prickly one, the whole concept is that a lot of problems stem from mostly resource based problems, as it is usually the poorer and the lesser privillaged who commit the crimes rather then the richer in general. So in this sense it should definitely drop crime as there should be nobody lesser off in theory under this system for resource inspired crimes to be committed. The other cause of crimes is caused by a lack of problem solving skills, while we're not exactly living in the grotesque times of horrendous medievil torture and horrifying witch hunts, we are still living in an age and culture that is very quick to get aggressive rather then feeling the need to solve solutions properly and peacefully. The concept is that society will be much better educated compared to the useless shit we're currently learning in our school system.

I honestly believe this will make a huge difference, compare the attitudes of people from Singapore to America and the crime rates and it's a gigantic difference, crime will not be eliminated as such but a huge reduction can be made if we learn to solve our problems peacefully and properly. I believe that there will be a need for a justice system, I honestly believe that some conflicts like the Middle East simply will never ever be resolved at all. The concept of having no punishment or prisons is highly flawed in this sense.

I'm in love with the whole concept of harnessing the power of technology, while it is thought that maybe all the technologies shown are unlikely or unfesible I honestly, do believe they are, you must remember that a lot of amazing technology is made and researched on all the time but only the profitable ones are the ones that we see and believe are possible, think about it, over the last 30 years, you would think the average fuel efficiency of cars would have gone down dramatically, thanks to the bizarrly high popularity of 4WD's it's not the case. I could go on forever in this post, especially about the technologies alone but in general, society has to use technology for our overall better rather then just benefitting the profits of corporations.

Definitely not last but I'll stop myself from going on and on and on. Education is one that I'm very impressed with, I can not drill the idea enough that a lot is possible if we just look into anything and actually research information for ourselves and The Venus Project heavily encourages the freedom of information greatly so we can all make our contributions towards a better world, I would love to see the whole laziness we've seen from everybody in this modern day society melt away.

To sum it up, not perfect but I'm in love with the general theory, cybernetics and a society that's better for all is something that really makes me very happy and one day I hope I can see our society head this way.

cybernetics, education, justice, society, environment, venus project, social, rant, technology, peace

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