Our Scintilation

Apr 13, 2009 09:06

They say money is the root of all evil, yet money is a necessary evil in this life. It was a creation that was designed to make things simpler, fairer and easier, in comparison to the barter system, especially now that we do live in the days and age of a specialised society. However try studying money, economics or finance and you'll know that money is anything but simple, fair and easy however.

The beauty about money is that money is power, the more money you have the more control you have, the more freedom you have and where you have a lot of it you can do some pretty god like things, like war or weapons development or hopefully using it for good like stopping hunger and curing diseases. It's also noting that money doesn't simply equate to happiness, money is power and power does not necessarily equate to happiness. Money usually only leads to short-term euphoria or a distraction from depression most of the time.

However, we live in a monetary society, we need food to eat, water to drink, clothing and shelter to keep us warm but even those things cost money so I would heavily consider ranking money up there as a need. The reality is that while you don't need a lot of it to live, you don't need a lot of clothing, shelter, water or food to live either, just what you need to live, however most of us don't feel that way about money and honestly, I think we can all say this about food as well, especially in America too.

The chase for more money has created a very world, where our societies were very pack like and we'd all work together to achieve similar goals, to maintain not only our own forfillment but others. Today it is very different, we are very much self centred and very focused on getting the best for ourselves and we even live in a society where most of us will barely consider even speaking or getting to know their neighbours.

The chase for more money has generally damaged this world and where any means necessary are required to squeeze out extra profits, right now we hear the news of staff being laid off but it's not just that, environments are destroyed, animals are tortured and abused, the poor are exploited, rivals get completely descimated, free speech and liberties are taken away from us, their control and influences greaten on both ourselves and governments and we're forced to feed off their propagandas in the interest of shareholders.

There is no doubt that greed is destroying our society, it's not necessarily the rich fat cats at the top of the corporate ladder who are corrupted and filled with greed, it is also in the shareholders as well who want more money and in Australia as millions and millions of Australian's have bought their own shares and if you think you haven't bought a share or have no intentions to in the future you may want to check your superannuation fund. We're all virtually shareholders in Australia.

For those who choose to become shareholders, the reality is I can honestly say everyone goes in with the aim of putting their money in a company with the aim that they will turn that money into more money and it will be worth a lot by the time they sell it in the future (and this definitely was the case before the global financial crisis). While being a shareholders gives you a say into the company's goals and futures and constant updates and a better understanding and a view of the future aims, the reality is, most of us will not care and will only have their eye on the current stock price and for some when the annual report comes out they might flick to the income statement and look at the profit figure at most. The problem with this idea is that we blindly give our money to others and we're unsure of the intentions of the directors who recieve our money and what good they will with it. The reality is they will most likely pull of a lot of cruel processes to achieve maximum efficiency and profits to get distributed back to the shareholders.

This process is different to say the government, we pay our taxes to them and a lot of them since they recieve tax when we both receive and spend money. In the case of the government, I can write long rants and so could a lot of people about what they do with this money but the reality and the aim is that it's generally spent for the greater benefit of all in terms of roads, health and education, as I said, I'll let you be the judge of this but that's the theory. The good news is that while corporations generally do not help the greater good of society out of free will, the taxes they make do go to governments to eventually create a better world for us.

However, the world is not completely filled with doom and gloom, we have a variety of wonderful charities currently in existance that people can donate and give their money too. Unlike investing, we will not see more money come out at us but we will help towards our beliefs or a greater world, whether we are curing diseases, helping animals, feeding starving children, saving the environment, caring for those who can't care for themselves or one of the many other great causes out there. Our contribution definitely goes towards the creation of a much better and greater world for all of us.

We are forced to pay our taxes, so we all put our efforts into building a better society in the middle government category but overall, most of us contribute to the corporations rather then charity, not necessarily by investing but when we vote with our dollar on where and what we spend it on. As I said earlier, ignoring purchasing for our needs, we generally see money as the solution to short-term euphoria or a distraction away from misery, rather then the creation of something better. This happens because we live in a self centred society, we are obsessed with the idea of health shakes and pills, rather then simply eating lots of fruit and vegetables and exercising in the age of obesity. We often are lazy towards the ideas and ideals of working out ways to solve problems and too often we will believe everything is not possible or we can not bothered towards it unless there is a simple quick fix solution or somebody else can or will do it for us.

However while we do live in a society where many problems are being created by laziness and poor attitudes, the ease of being able to find and solve solutions has been greater, if you're reading this right now on the net, the reality is, you have google and a near ambundance and infinite amount of information to figure out anything you wish to achieve and set your mind too really, despite this too few people really do take advantage of this, believing that if something can't be easily done, it should be or there should be an easy solution out there for ourselves.

So imagine if there was an attitude switch, gearing ourselves towards the world of opening our minds up, learning more and being able to live our lives more freely and have more power in what we can do and achieve. The whole idea of a specialised society will not collapse but it will definitely water itself down and become much less powerful and we will gain more power and much more control and a say in our lives. We will see ourselves with much more money and if we ditch our self centred attitudes and put more into charities and even better do a little bit of work to make our world better, we will slowly start to see ourselves get into a better world.

Also imagine in the case of investing, rather then simply investing in a company with the aim to make more back, especially with how unlikely it is to make money back, why not invest it into charities and make the world a much better place. In the case of corporations, rather then simply having the income statement as the be all and the end all like a scoreboard in a sporting game, how about seeing performance from not necessarily a financial point of view but with jobs created, the greater benefits that the company and corporation has on the community, even if a large company spent even the likes of 0.5% on charitable nature and could show it off, what a better world we could live in. However it all starts with us, if we actually switch our minds towards wanting to see this from our companies rather then profits which slip our way back into our profits. Wouldn't it be much greater with the concept of having companies show off their social and community achievements like trophies rather then just a couple of large numbers, I know I'd rather show off my trophy collection and achievements rather then what's in my wallet personally.

However for changes like this to happen, they don't start up at the top, companies and corporations may create, manipulate and tempt us with demands but at the end of the day we have our choices and what we want will effect on what they give us because those that haven't have simply fallen by the wayside. Will my suggestions and ideas create a perfect utopia? It won't, everyone has better ideas and ideals but a world which has a lower view of being self centred and a geared nature towards acting and thinking as societies, packs will get us into a better place.

We enter a world that's heating up immensely, global markets are crashing and a world that's overpopulating to the brim with our resources being devoured at a catastrophic rate, the world simply can not carry on the way it can now, evolution must begin soon and as soon as possible, a scintilla, a revolution must take place.

charity, torture, society, rant, liberation, food, earth, profits, sociology, doom, animal rights, money, evolution, environment, social, world, economy, humanity, corporate, company, quick fixes, human rights

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