Filched from supplyship

Mar 20, 2008 13:42

Because it's a quiet day at work today and I'm procrastinating...

1. Who is your favorite SG-1 character?
Jack! Not that this should come as a surprise to anyone on my flist ;)

2. Who is your favorite Atlantis character?
Hmmm... probably Ronon. Or possibly Todd the Wraith ^_^ He's definitely been one of my favourite S4 characters. I really hope they bring him back.

3. What is your favorite SG-1 episode?
Window of Opportunity FTW.
For the 'Epic' stories (i.e. Earth in dire peril, plenty of blowing stuff up, cliff-hanger ending, etc) it has to be Lost City. Although Redemption Pts 1 & 2 come a very close second. I have a real soft spot for those eppys. No idea why. And of course, for my favourite *Jack* episode... It's always going to be Paradise Lost. That ep pushes practically every button for me. Great stuff.

4. Who is your favorite villain? (in SG-1)
I loved the goa'uld as villians. My favourite has to be Ba'al. He just has the sharpest dress sense ^_^ Although RepliCarter was pretty awesome too...

5. Who is your favourite villain? (in Atlantis)
Ooh, tough question! I love the Wraith as the 'bad guys' as a whole. But 'a' villian? Eh, I don’t know... Kolya maybe? Or perhaps Michael.

6. P-90 or Zat?
P-90. Although what I'd really like is one of those Carter Specials from seasons 7 & 8 :D

7. You'll be...Jaffa or Tok'ra?
Jaffa! They're prettier ^_^ I know the network attempted to sex-up the Tok'ra with Anise, but grey Pleather just doesn't do it for me :P

8. Goa'uld mother ship or X-303?
I love the idea of the 303s but it's the Goa'uld motherships for me. Pyramid-shaped spaceships covered in gold. Genius idea!

9. Ori or Ancient?
Ancient. I find Ori a trifle dull to be honest.

10. Who is the best O'Neill.. Kurt Russell or Richard Dean Anderson?
... This is a trick question right? Seriously, do I even need to bother answering this? Kurt, I'm sorry but you’re going to lose every. Single. Time. even it's based on nothing but the *hair*.

11. The best Daniel Jackson...James Spader or Michael Shanks?
I'm going to hold my hands up here and say Daniel has never been my favourite character. Spader was great in the movie, but as a character Daniel irked me even then. However, Shanks got to develop the character more and when he came back for S7 & 8 I actually found him quite likeable. Granted, he was back to irking me again in S9, but on balance Shanks wins because he actually made me like Daniel.

12. Asgard or Replicator?
Yes. *g* I loved the whole Asgard V. Replicators storyline. Nemesis is right up there as one of my favourite episodes. Although since I'm still pissed off at how the Asgard were got killed off in Unending they win on the sympathy vote. I miss Thor!

13. Who is the best leader of Atlantis, Weir or Carter?
Sam hon, I love you muchly and you've been great this season, but Weir was the leader of Atlantis and I really do think she got a raw deal in the end.

14. Who is best leader of the SGC...Hammond, O'Neill, Weir or Landry?
Yay, Hammy! Although I think puppet!Hammond has to be my true favourite *g*

15. Jonas Quinn or Vala Mal Doran?
Yes! I loved Jonas and Vala grew on me far more than I thought she would initially.

16. Col. Mitchell or Dr. Fraiser?
Oh, Mitchell. Placed against a character you're never going to beat in my affections... :hugs Janet:

17. Who would you kill first...Apophis, Baal, Cronos, Hathor, Yu or Anubis?
:ponders: I'm not really sure. Probably Cronos because he was sort of a non-entity. Plus his dress sense was terrible. Ba'al would never let himself be seen dead in sheepskin ;)

18. Keller or Beckett?
I've really grown to like Keller this season, but it’s still Beckett FTW.

19. In a 1 on 1 fight, who would win...Teal'c or Ronon?
I saw this episode. It's a draw ;) Although I think Teal'c would probably win in the end. Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill, after all ;)

20. What is your favourite Atlantis episode?
Eh, tough one... probably Return II. I can't help it, I'm shallow. Closely followed by Sateda, The Real World and Tao of Rodney. Grace Under Pressure, Echoes, Vengeance, Mid-way... They were pretty good too. Epic-wise,I loved this season's opener Adrift and S1's The Storm/The Eye. And Trio was hilarious.

21. Carter or McKay?
Carter. McKay wins on snark but Sam kicks ass.

22. Dr. Bill Lee or Radek Zelenka?
Radek! :luffs: Bill, you're amusing, but you can also be annoying so you lose. Sorry.

23. Stargate the movie (1994) or The Ark Of Truth?
Having not yet seen AoT, Stargate the movie (1994).

24. Major Lorne or Major Davis?
Again, yes! ^_^

25 and finally, SG-1 or Atlantis?
I’m with supplyship on this one. I'd take SG-1 Seasons 1-8 over Atlantis, but Atlantis over SG-1 Seasons 9-10.

meme, sg1, fannish squee, sga

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