Feb 05, 2008 20:56
Woo! I got my icecream maker today!!! Now I just have to clean my room enough to find an area to put it...
I just got back from running with Jennifer. I only ran 3 miles, but every one counts. :) This was the first time I have run in my new shoes and I am pretty happy with the results! No blisters at all! woooo!
I also e-mailed Chloe to see if she wanted to go out again. I thought she might be up for going to the Air & Space museum or maybe the Zoo. You might say, as Jennifer did, "The Zoo? You just went!" Thats true, but I do like the zoo and really it wont matter WHAT we do, I know we'll have a great time. :) I also told her my myspace info, so its possible she linked from there to here and is reading this RIGHT NOW! OMG Spooooky. ;) I had indeed thought about that, but didn't care because I've got nothing to hide. If she hangs around she'll eventually know everything in it anyway and its not like I put anything particularly juicy up here.
Well, I think I'm going to get back to cleaning up my room to make way for the icecream maker. I think Kahlua + Vanilla icecream will be my first test... and I think I want the next one to be something like strawberry & wine... something strange. :)