Jun 17, 2012 23:27
For all the trolls out there who decry the existence of harassment online in gaming and say things like "it's just kids", "it's not serious", or "if you don't like it, leave" I have this to say. SHUT UP. When people threaten you with rape, assault and murder for being present in a gaming environment it really is sexism if it's directed at you because you're female. It's not acceptable in any other part of our lives so why should we tolerate this crap online in gaming? We don't tell women to stop working, attending school or going to the grocery store to avoid this. (I speak of being in the US where culturally we DO these things.) We don't find assault threats amusing done face to face so why would they be funny online other than the sheer irrationality of threatening someone who is anonymous?
I get really tired of people telling me if I don't like it I should just leave. I don't like it in the rest of my life. Are you telling me I should leave my life because something happens there I don't like? How, exactly other than suicide does one do that? Instead of telling me to disengage how about supporting a stance against this kind of crap? That's more productive.
I broke off a relationship with a partner because he was uncomfortable with my not accepting that I got treated shittily online playing WoW. According to him I should just suck it up so I could play. No. That's not an answer. I'm not going to apologize for being female and gaming. I don't need to feed the entitlement trolls that post "no girlz heer" signs. If a guy is so insecure about my presence in the gaming community he needs to stretch his dick with misogyny then he's fail and needs to STFU. Next time some lameass says "I'm just here to game" and doesn't want to acknowledge the issue I'm going to call him out for the coward he is.