I told you the spiders were out to get me!!! Now I not only have proof of it but also that house spiders are growing to unusually arge sizes....at least in my house they are! Yet again i have taken some pictures for your enjoyment! This one was a beastie....it was about 4am, i went to pick up my trainer when this mo fo crawled out...i nearly shit a brick.
I want you all to bear in mind that the glass of the jar makes the spider apear smaller than it really is as its concave (god that was a bit sciencey of me! I spose thats what late nights and later mornings do to me!!!) and also that the spider is in a defensive stance so its got its legs in (at least i think thats why they do that, maybe its just comfy!)...try to imagine this spider crawling out of your shoe in full wiggly-legged glory.....Im pretty sure you'd shit a brick too.
Im now gonna post any spiders that attack me.
Heres last nights monstrosity......