My entry in the 2015 Supernatural Reverse Big Bang Challenge

Jan 23, 2016 22:36

So, long time no post, though I have put up a few things on AO3 since last dropping by here.

Anyway, here is my art prompt for the 2015 spn-reversebang livejournal challenge.

It was entered under the EITHER category (either SPN or SPN RPF) and was claimed by ElectricalGwen on LJ/electricalgwen on AO3. The explicit J2 historical fic it inspired, A Man's A Man For A' That, can be found on AO3 here, or on LJ here.

Per the author's summary: This is set extremely loosely in the Scottish Highlands and is pretty much entirely indulgent fluff with a whisper of plot and only rare nods to historical accuracy.

spn rpf, prompt art, digital art, reversebang

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