Share problem - Not enough server storage is available to process this command (Win XP)

Dec 04, 2012 11:49

You are trying to map a drive?
You are trying to access a shared folder over a network that you set up correctly?
You are trying to share files/ drives between a Windows 7 machine and a Windows XP machine
You are trying to print over a network, where the printer driver resides on another machine on that network ?



If you can already see that the IRPStackSize has already been created then you may need to increase its value. Do this in increments of 5 (eg The default value is 15 (Decimal), so try changing it to 20) When you have done this, reboot for the changes to take effect. If this was unsuccessful try increasing it by a further value of 5. The most it can be increased to is 50 (Decimal).

If the IRPStackSize is not present (as was in 100% of my occurrences) you will need to create a new DWORD. With Parameters selected on the left, go Edit>New>DWORD Value enter the word (exactly as I have typed it but without quotes) “IRPStackSize” this will then show up in the window on the left. You now need to give it a value. Try 20 (select the Decimal button) then reboot to see if that helped. If not, try increasing its value by another 5
BONUS: Event ID 3019: Source: MRxSmb
Type: Warning
The redirector failed to determine the connection type.
I resolved this problem by going to "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Browser\Parameters" on my first DC and changing the "IsDomainMaster" key to "TRUE"

Хозяину на заметку, windows, tips&tricks, share, xp, network

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