Once again, spoilers. XD Since this is mainly just gonna be a reaction post. As I read through the manga. So!
Oh hey, a year. I noticed that before, but. Apparently they don't train in the academy that long, then? Since they've known each other for a year, and Mikage mentions being happy that his roommate isn't a stern guy without any sort of addendum like "this time" or anything... So I'm figuring the implication is that it's a year-long program or something.
Aaaaaaaaaand theory one:
Ayanami is Verloren
Ayanami is possessed by Verloren
Ayanami is a vampire, and that's why he doesn't seem to have aged at all since the flashbacks.
Ayanami is just a really evil, normal guy.
Ayanami is working with Verloren, but is not possessed as such.
Ayanami actually has reasons that might make sense to the rest of us for what he does. (Lies!)
Aaaaaaand I have about forty thousand kinds of love for this scene. ♥ If only they'd run away together instead of splitting up, Mikage might have lived. :( Instead he stays in Ayanami's reach, and. Yeah. Not fun.
And since I am easily distracted and can't quite shake the "I should be working on my essays" guilt, I'm going to stop after one chapter. >_> Which kind of defeats the point of reading it all the way through, but I've only read the first seven chapters like, 89723894 times, so I think I'm okay there. ^^"
Also, FE related:
Dear Radd,
I don't appreciate you dying. Thanks for making me restart this level AGAIN. For the fifth time or so.
Dear Enemy Sniper,
I hope you're proud of yourself.
Wishing you would stop killing my units, thanks.