So the icon is a "Or so I'm telling myself, so that I don't just crawl back into bed and miss my first two classes again" sort of thing. People who've talked to me recently know that this is certainly not a true statement right now. XD or maybe it is, cause sick = weak and me = sick. But whatever.
So I'll say it again because
animegirl07 doesn't get lj-cuts on her google reader. Spoilers ahoy! Flee, thee who does... oh wait. You KIND of know this spoiler already. Oh well. Carry on then.
So one day, I'm going to go and read through all of the 07 Ghost chapters all at once. XD And get them in a coherent whole, because reading them in pieces lends to forgetting things. But the last chapter was ♥! And yeah. And it's really cool to think that even in chapter 33, Mikage is still such a central part of the plot, considering he died 26, 27 chapters ago. But the last chapter also made me go "awww, Teito" because really. Sacrificing yourself is not the best course of action - you have fangirls too! - T_T.
Oh yeah, and dead people. Right. >_> That actually did get my attention, until I got to the part about Mikage and Teito. *predictable*
Going to attempt to spend more than 6 hours at a time awake today! I'd better, cause I have classes. Although I suppose falling asleep between them isn't unheard of. ^^"