At first this was going to be a comment on
ikel89's readthrough, but then, uh .... *waves downward* that happened. So it gets its own post. :D I may figure this LJ thing out yet ...
On the whole I quite enjoyed this book! It was a nice, breezy read; most of the drama was not of the "unnecessary bullshit" variety, the characters themselves were mostly fun
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Or, as CP shows, even if I have managed to completely overlook that on reading for reasons of reading the emotional high, the reread totally brings too many things into sharp focus *sigh* at least with bullshit like CC you know where you stand.
My condolences to your husband. :'D
*replays fond memories of trashtalking everything and anything with the said husband, who firmly thinks he doesn't deserve this* :D <3
"excuse me while I, the author's mouthpiece, climb on my soapbox" moment. :D
pfft yeah, that was very rehearsed. also, +1 to Prof Piper not being swayed argument.
I feel like I should say this bc otherwise it looks like I hated Fangirl - I didn't :D Seeing how I read it in one sitting, it would be a big fat lie if I said it wasn't an enjoyable read. It's just I didn't like Cath - which bleeds into my general lack on enthusiasm and also exacerbates wanting to pick at loose threads, I guess. All of this criticism might lead you to believe that Carry On, which I'm rather fond and protective of, is a better book from craft point of view - but it isn't, I think, it's just simply a book I liked better because I liked its characters better.
Re:jealousy, there were bits here and there, re:Reagan and the other girl and Cath being possessive in her Levi schmoop, to borrow the word XD But not enough to warrant a rant from me, at least.
Also <33 to Reagan breaking her own rules. Seriously, REAGAN <3
"stomach monster" in OotP
excuse me, it was a chest monster, which is likely a certified and trademark-protected thing at this point :'DD
did it really have to be middle-America literary nonsense? :'D
Pls apply aloe vera to this burnnnnn XDD
why didn't we get to see any of the "thank you so much for this fic, it's helped me through dark periods of my life"-style reviews for Carry On
*nods to this* maybe if not instead of the original story excerpt, if she really wanted that middle america nonsense with STOLEN 2nd PERSON POV, but at least after it? to show continuity?
This is an accurate summary, yes XD
"stomach monster" in OotP
excuse me, it was a chest monster
Ahaha, I didn't even notice it was a monster dwelling in the wrong body part until this point XD
Also :O :O :O I can't believe I've been ranting about the wrong body part! for *looks up publishing date* 13 YEARS now!
(lol I had also forgotten that OotP was NEARLY 800 PAGES, no wonder it felt like a slog. :') )
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