Jul 24, 2008 14:52
6 days at a cabin in Lake George in upstate New York. 5 days of pouring-down rain. Long travel day since we stopped in Manhattan to drop off Lauren's dog and have lunch with her in the Lower East Side to celebrate her triumphant return to the U.S. It was really good seeing Lauren. She looks so vibrant and healthy. It was a blast hanging out in her neighborhood, even though it was 98 degrees and she insisted on eating outside so that the dog could stay by her side.
Sunday I started to feel anxious and boxed in. I'm staying in Diamond Point, about 8 miles from Bolton Landing (where I am now, in an internet cafe), and 6 miles to Lake George Village, the hub of commercial activity in the area. No cell signal in Diamond Point or Bolton Landing or most of the time in Lake George Village. I was surprised at how unsettling it felt to be cut off from everyone else. Plus I'm used to getting around with my legs or bike or car or public transportation. Being really stranded freaks me out for whatever reason. Like today I hopped on a bus to Bolton Landing but read the schedule wrong so the next bus back won't be for awhile. Is an 8-mile hike feasible? Hitching probably wouldn't be such a bad idea. We're in a sleeply little tourist town, it's mostly just families driving around the main road in their SUVs.
Monday - more loneliness. The ever-present rain felt oppressive.
Tuesday - somehow started to settle into the quiet, embracing instead of fighting. The misty damp climate reminded me of Halifax, and really it's not so bad being surrounded by lake and trees! I can let go of my need for control for a little bit and accept that there's nowhere to go, noone to talk to, nothing that I'm missing by being here. Baltimore is 8 hours away, the cabin and lake are all that is here before me. Relaxing in that way, the rest of the week has been lovely. I've been hiking, writing, doing yoga, meditating, playing board games with my brother and cousins, catching up with my aunt and uncle.
Wednesday - finally, the sun came out! A day of swimming, paddle boating, barbecue dinner, and s'mores (with wine for the adults).