Feb 05, 2007 10:14
Sinus infections blow. I feel like shit and I think I caught Tristan's swollen glands. I hate being sick. Friday night some one did a hit n run on my car when it was parked out side. I was in my room and a neighbor came to the door n said it looked like someone hit my car. No one saw anything and they hit pretty hard. I tryed to drive it yesterday and it wouldnt start. Just my luck. At least Im not still workin at Elderwood. I'd get bitched at on top of it for not being able to come in. Same thing when my starter coil burnt out. Good thing I quit lol. I sent a letter about my manager to the recruitment manager of the human resources department of all the facilities. Hopefully they'll look into the shit shes been pullin. No one should have to work with people like her and Deb and Judy V. God everything hurts right now it sux. Guess Im gonna lay back down and wait for my insurance agent to call me back about whats covered and whats not. I have a feeling Im going to have to pay out of pocket for the dammages. Like I havent put enough money in this car already. Update: well I was rite my insurance company isnt going to cover the dammages so repairs have to come out of my pocket. Not to mention I got a fuckin parking ticket on top of it. Like Im not already stressed out and feeling like shit as it is Ive got my brother fuckin makin his comments every time I turn around. Ever since I got this car all hes done is talked shit. "Its a hunk of junk, its a peice of shit. You should just junk it and get something else" Ugh I just want to fucking scream! Whats it to him? hes aleways gotta start shit with me.