May 15, 2005 14:03
One thing I always wished for and never got
To be invisible
I wanted always to be able to hide at will
I wanted to be mysterious
I wanted to be silent
I don't like being looked at. I don't like attention.
I always wanted to go through life as just a bystander. I would have been just as happy to never actually be alive, just to watch. To have a character that can maybe represent me, or that I can at least control, and watch how the rest react. I never wanted to actually live it.
But I'll never escape.
I want to be seperate from everyone else, to be outside of the circle, outside of real life. To be all to myself, to just observe. I don't want any part in this life. I just want to look.
I want to move from place to place, time to time, to see how everything is.
This is why death intrigues me so much, almost to the point where I would like to experience it more than actually go through with the rest of my life, just because it would be more interesting to watch everything happen then to be what's happening.
I don't like the idea of being something. I don't like the idea of being something that people want to pay attention to.
I want to be able to be something weird and outlandish, and have people just know it. I want people to look at me and get it. I want to make a statement, but I want to be something that people just know, and don't make a big deal over.
I like playing with people rather than interacting, I guess. People I don't like, anyway.
Think you caught me on the downslide, downturn
I was busy writing with a pen and paper
thin dream
and all your plastic people with plastic hearts and smiles
they had the worst intentions all along after all....
The royal castle holds the melodrama kings and queens
And all their dazzling children; they're so regal
Pristine fingertips they wash behind their ears
And let their hair down 'til the audiences leave...
I'm definitely shaking
The silence isn't breaking
Backwashed and stranded memories
Of something I thought could be