May 10, 2010 21:30
on beauty:
what is it?
most people think of beauty has long hair. perfect teeth. skinny, but not too skinny. beauty, in some ways, is perfection. beauty is normal. beauty is having the "best" friends. beauty is popularity. beauty is cover up and foundation and primping and polishing.
that is NOT my idea of beauty.
beauty is shaved heads. beauty is chaos in all the best ways. beauty is an anarchy sign on a bathroom stall. beauty is thick eyeliner and smudges. beauty is NOT CARING. beauty is getting up in the morning and saying "this is who i am. and i am not about to change". beauty is about rough edges. beauty is strange. beauty is a freak. beauty does NOT CARE about fashion, or the latest colors, the latest trends. beauty is the part of yourself that says "i am like no one else and you can't convince me that i shouldn't be".
riddle me this.