day ten. someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to.

Jun 29, 2010 23:00

hey you, with the face.
i talk to you all the time.  you've spent weeks at my house.  i just love the way you talk.  i want to hear your voice everyday, all the time.  i want you to sing me to sleep while we're cuddling on the futon.  i can't get enough of you, or your voice.  i love the conversations we have.  it could be abut sex, or love, or something absolutely silly or philosophical.  i don't know how to say it, but every conversation i have with you is the very best of my life.  except for the sad ones.  the ones where you leave me forever.  the ones where i want to throw my whole self on the ground, soul and body and curly hair and purple plaid pants in all.  the ones where i just want to scream out, be with me, i'm the one who loves you, i'm the one you'll be happiest with.
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