Sep 16, 2007 16:51

Title: Pre-game Jitters
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Lisa Turpin and Adrian Pucey
Prompt: Teammates
Word Count: 615
Rating: G
Summary: Adrian and his pre-game jitters.
Author's Notes: i love the idea of a slytherin and ravenclaw together. enjoy, and feel free to comment!

It had been a rough day for Adrian, who was sitting in the nearly empty library, trying to keep up with late homework and thinking about practicing harder than ever for the next quidditch game. As he tried to concentrate on his potions essay, all that came up on his paper was quidditch doodles. The game was coming up that weekend, and it was all he could think about. After one final Firebolt doodle, he set aside his paper and closed his book, then walked up to a nearby window. It was a rainy day, not so perfect for their quidditch practice, but now at least he was prepared for the worst. Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair, thinking about how poorly he had done.
"Hey Pucey, what's up?"
Adrian turned around to face Theodore Nott, who was smirking widely. "Oh, er.. not a whole lot I guess. Just thinking about our practice today, and the game against the gryffin-losers tomorrow," Adrian responded sourly, chuckling softly.
Theodore patted Adrian on the shoulder and shook his head. "Hey, don't sweat it, everyone's got their off days. Just... don't think about it." he said, smirking, then sauntering off after Daphne Greengrass. Adrian shook his head as he watched them walk away, then turned his attention back to the window. His eyes followed the clouds, searching for a shape, then fell down towards the grounds, watching the students walk around to their next classes. He noticed a group of first years playing gobstones in the courtyard, and a gang of girls walking up towards the castle. Studying their faces closely, he recognized Lisa Turpin's dark chestnut hair bouncing up and down elegantly as she walked arm in arm with another ravenclaw girl, laughing hysterically. Once they disappeared from his sight, he finally withdrew from the window, grabbed his unfinished homework and books and left the library,

The next day, Adrian woke up rather early and was one of the first ones in the great hall for breakfast, other than a couple of students from each house. As the early owls came in for the mail, one swooped by, dropping the latest issue of Quidditch Quarterly near Adrian's cereal. Beginning to read it, he hoped that it could give him a couple of helpful tips for the game.
"You're going to need a lot more than that to win that match today, Pucey," said a girl, her voice soft and sultry, although Adrian could still detect sarcasm. Slowly letting his magazine down, he saw Lisa smirking as she stirred sugar in her tea, her face masked with a challenging smirk. But before he could reply with something nasty, Lisa was flocked by her usual group of giggling girls. Adrian rolled his eyes, then soon left after finishing his cereal, not being able to stand their giggling and insufferable cloud of strong perfume. As he started to walk away from his table, the great hall doors opened and a group of loud slytherins came in laughing. Most of them were his Quidditch teammates, he noticed. As he went to go meet them, his eyes wandered to the ravenclaw table. He was rather surprised to find Lisa eyeing him with a smirk, and eyes their eyes locked, she turned away quickly, smiling to one of her friends. Adrian rolled his eyes as he approached his teammates, high five-ing them and joking with them, his nerves slowly dying away. As they left the great hall, Adrian took one last look at Lisa, smirking as he thought of the look on her face when he would make the winning goals as chaser.
my table
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