
Oct 21, 2004 22:15

Last couple of days have given me a dose of unhappiness mixed with very enjoyable times.
A significant misfortune actually came my way since my move down here about two days ago. I will not divulge the details since I am still a little shocked/hurt to say the least still. I will say that it has to do with my Panzer. -- [ meaning of course, in reference to my Mercedes ] -- Now it is in the hands of a familial ally to whom I am sincerely indebted a great deal of gratitude. By tomorrow or saturday the intial stages of recovery will hopefully be complete and I will be on the road to returning the machine to its fully operational war status. As a token of my appreciation for the machine, I'm going to get it steam cleaned, re-grilled with some Germanic ornaments finally and maybe put up the decal designs I've wanted when I get around to it. Quite honestly, I'm a little fearful for the complete resurrection. Its not too bad honestly, again, just a little fearful.

Quite a bit of brandy, scotch, coffee and hooka tobacco have gone through my body in the last 36 hours and I intend seriously pushing my body tomorrow to compensate. While I've been getting quite a bit of physical activity it still feels weird to not have that feeling of pushing the envelope with my body for more than a few days.

Aside for the automobile assault things have been extremely well. Next week I have some stuff planned that should put the final steps in facilitating my grounding here in terms of work, etc. I feel like I have had a lot of good fortune since my move so I'm much more happy than anything and trying not spend energy on the negative occurences, as they significantly underweigh the seratonin excretion taken and taking place.
I'm also very happy to have such a loving and supporting aunt, and despite their difficulties with him, her husband and of course my youngest cousin. I find myself speaking of my aunt with regularity socially. Family really is invaluable.

On a more enigmatic note --
I for one, will forever know my place, my progenitors and my true connection. I draw my lines in marble and in blood.
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