About a week or so ago, Joel asked me if I wanted to go to a concert. I said sure why not. We went and saw Ozzy and Rob Zombie at the Joe Louis arena and we ended up having 6th row seats on the main floor. It was fucking fantastic. I'm not a huge fan of either one but the show was amazing none the less. Afterward, we decided to go to Canada for the night and I had my first legal drink. A dirty martini. It was alright. I think my favorite part of the night was when Joel and I finally got back to the hotel room at the Travel Lodge right across the river in Windsor and I opened the curtains in the room and saw the entire city of Detroit all lit up at night. There was nothing obstructing the view in any way and it was dead center between everything. It was something you'd see on a postcard. It's funny how beautiful Detroit looks when you're not in the center of it.
I also got to see Jacob this week. I forgot how much I missed him =). He got to sit in my new car and we made brownies and watched Dead Like Me. I have a feeling I've got a new favorite show.