Let's see how much you've changed

Oct 10, 2006 20:57


01. What color are your walls? Lavander
02. What color is your bedspread/sheets? Purple and White.
03. What color is your rug? Purple.
04. Any posters/bulletin boards/designs? Yeah, everywhere. My wall is one giant canvas.
05. Do you have a tv? Yup.
07. Do you have your own computer? Two.
08. Do you have a desk? Yeah
09. What are your most treasured belongings in your room? My PC and my bed.
10. Do you have any fancy lights in your room? Ha! I still have candle lamps.


01. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Turn my phone off.
02. Anything unusual? I have to check myspace because I'm an addict like that.
03. Do you pick out your clothes the night before school/work? No.
04. Do you try your best to look cute for school? I try to look nice, but I don't go all out to do so.

// HOME //

When you come home are you...
01. miserable? No
02. happy? Yeah
03. Tired? All the time. STILL.

01. Do you take walks around your neighborhood sometimes? Fuck yeah. My neighborhood is awesome.
02. What are some hobbies of yours? Writing. Video Games. Myspace. Driving.
03. Do you collect anything? Old bottles, Stickers, Amber Glass, and Teacups.
04. What do you do in your spare time? Sleep most of the time.
05. Are you in love, or at least falling? Nah- I don't fall so hard anymore.


01. What do you do before you go to bed? Wash my face and brush my teeth.
02. Do you kiss your parents/guardians goodnight, or just say "goodnight"? Just say goodnight. Occasionally I love you too.
03. What way do you sleep (ex: on your side, tummy, etc.)? At a ridiculous angle on my stomach or side.
04. Do you like your life? Yeah- It could be better but Im content.

// FAVS //

01. Song: "Situations" by Escape the Fate
02. CD: Americana by Offspring.
03. Movie: Requiem for a Dream
04. Food: Japanese.
05. Thing to do in spare time: Sleep. That is so repetitive.
06. Color Combos: Green and Black. Brown and White. Blue and Yellow.
07. TV show: WEEDS!!!
08. Music groups: The Offspring
09. Alcoholic drink: Southern Comfort.
10. Vacation Spot: Yeah, still New Jersey- not gonna lie.
11. Sport: Coin fighting.
12. Place to shop: Khols.
13. Actor: Ryan Renolds.
14. Actress: Claire Danes
14. Toothpaste: Aquafresh
15. Shampoo: Brilliant Brunette.

// DO YOU... //

01. have cable: Yes
02. watch mtv: Nope
03. watch vh1: Nope.
04. have braces: I used to.
05. have freckles: Yup.
06. have a watch: Several
07. sing in the shower: Yeah
08. carry a wallet: Yup
09. currently have a crush: Maybe
10. have a cell phone: Fuck yeah.
11. have a photo album: Yup
12. believe in God: Still agnostic.
13. think the devil exists: FUCK YOUR RELIGIOUS QUESTIONS.
14. believe in heaven and hell: I hate you.
15. wear jewelry: Yeah
16. like to drink water: Yup
18. have a best friend: Yeah

// HAVE YOU... //

01. failed your driving test: No
02. gotten in a car accident: Yeah, fuck 4-way stops.
03. broken any bones: No
04. gotten drunk: Many times.
05. cheated on a test: Of course, I'm a fucking queen at it.
06. beat up anybody: Yes. Oddly enough.
07. gotten beat up: Yeah.
08. done drugs: Yeah.
09. taken a dance class: Yes!!
10. gone to summer camp: Yup
11. been on a roller coaster: Yeah. Fuck you Pete and Vinnie. Fuck you guys anally. (I honestly havent been on one since.)

// LAST... //

01. Last car ride: Last night with Dave, Eric, and Jodi
02. Last good cry: Hmm, it's been a while still.
03. Last movie seen: Just my Luck
04. Last book read: Prozac Nation
05. Last cuss word uttered: Uttered? Damn. Yelled? Fuck.
06. Last beverage drank: Coffee.
07. Last food eaten: Cheese and bacon sandwhich with lettuce, pickle, cucumber, and lot of other tastey things.
08. Last phone call: Dave
09. Last tv show watched: Weeds
10. Last time showered: This morning.
11. Last shoes worn: Candies Flip-flops.
12. Last cd played: 'Take me on a J.o.u.r.n.e.y'
13. Last item bought: Cigarettes.
14. Last downloaded: A lot of music.
15. Last annoyance: Work
16. Last disappointment: Eric
17. Last words said: ' Love you bye.'
18. Last sleep: Last night.
19. Last IM: Heather.
20. Last ice cream eaten: Blue Moon
21. Last time amused: Earlier with Jigsaw.
22. Last time wanting to die: A few days ago when I asked Pete to cut me in tiny little pieces.
23. Last time in love: Pete.
24. Last shirt worn: My purple The Doors t-shirt.
25. Last pants worn: My Mossimo blue jeans with the safety pin pocket.
27. Last belt worn: My brown one at work.
28. Jewelry worn daily: None
29. Last poster looked at: One of Squall.


01. Cried: Yeah, just a little bit.
02. Bought something: No.
03. Gotten sick: Nope.
04. Sang: Haha, yeah, definitely.
05. Eaten: Yup
06. Been kissed: No.
07. Felt stupid: Pft, yeah.
08. wanted to tell someone you love them, but didn't: No.
09. Moved on: Yes
10. Talked to an ex: YUP!
11. Missed an ex: Pft, I only missed him cause I wanted to poke him in the face.
12. Talked to someone you've got a crush on: Of course.
13. Fought with your parents: Yup.


01. Best girl friend: Jodi.
02. Best guy friend: Dave
03. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None. Thanks for the reminder.
05. Cell or Pager: Both. bitch.
06. Are you the center of attention: Most of the time.
07. Would you rather be with friends or on a date? Friends.
08. Do you have a job: KRISPY KREME WHORE!! YAY!


01. Who's your role model: Myself.
02. Pet peeves: Cracking knuckles, people touching my belly button, things going in my ear that DO NOT belong there.
03. Ever liked someone you had no chance with: Yeah, hasn't everyone?
04. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: Not really. I jump around quite a bit with guys.
05. Ever been cheated on: Yeah
06. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": Relationship..
07. Do you want to get married: Eventually
08. Do you want to have kids: Someday.
10. Are you happy with your life: Yup
11. If you could change one thing in you life right now, what would it be: A lot of things. But to pick one? I wish I hadn't spent all my grad money so fucking fast.
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