Сколько вёсел у галер Вестероса? Шок!

Jul 02, 2014 09:24

Попалась мне на глаза критика Песни Льда и Пламени ( здесь) с указанием на невообразимо огромные боевые галеры, описанные Мартином.
Неужели всё так плохо? - подумалось мне. И руки сами потянулись к текстам. Оказалось, что всё не так плохо.

Всё ещё хуже.

Итак, поищем в текстах первых четырёх книг (GoT, CoK, SoS и FoC) все упоминания вёсел (oars) и распределим корабли в порядку возрастания размера.

Нормальный размер
18 вёсел: “That is a river galley coming after us,” Jaime announced after he’d watched for a while. With every stroke, it seemed to grow a little larger. “Nine oars on each side, which means eighteen men. (SoS)

Приемлемый размер
50 вёсел: She was not so large as Lord Balon’s own Great Kraken or his uncle Victarion’s Iron Victory, but she looked swift and sweet, even sitting in her wooden cradle on the strand; lean black hull a hundred feet long, a single tall mast, fifty long oars, deck enough for a hundred men . . . and at the prow, the great iron ram in the shape of an arrowhead. (CoK)

60 вёсел: The Stonn Dancer was his fourth ship, and his fastest, a two-masted galley of sixty oars. (GoT)

=<80 вёсел: Behind Davos and his sons came another line of hundreds commanded by knights and lordly captains, and then the smaller, slower Myrish contingent, none dipping more than eighty oars. (CoK)

=<100 вёсел: A weathered little inn sat on the end of the stone pier where Black Betha, Wraith, and Lady Marya shared mooring space with a half-dozen other galleys of one hundred oars or less. (CoK)

200 вёсел: Fortunately, two of the ships that Magister Illyrio had sent after her were trading galleys, with two hundred oars apiece and crews of strong-armed oarsmen to row them. (SoS)

200 вёсел: Lord Paxter Redwyne brought forth a beautiful wooden model of the war galley of two hundred oars being built even now on the Arbor. (FoC)

200 вёсел: Yes, there, far to the south, that could only be Swordfish, lagging as ever. She dipped two hundred oars and mounted the largest ram in the fleet, though Davos had grave doubts about her captain.(CoK)

200 вёсел: Fury herself would center the first line of battle, flanked by the Lord Steffon and the Stag of the Sea, each of two hundred oars. (CoK)

300 вёсел: Lord Stannis’s Fury, a triple-decked war galley of three hundred oars, looked almost small beside some of the big-bellied carracks and cogs that surrounded her. (CoK)
Davos knew Fury as well as he knew his own ships. Above her three hundred oars was a deck given over wholly to scorpions, and topside she mounted catapults fore and aft, large enough to fling barrels of burning pitch. (CoK)

300 вёсел: Farther back would come the sailed ships, carracks and lumbering great cogs, and last of all Salladhor Saan in his proud Valyrian, a towering three-hundred, paced by the rest of his galleys with their distinctive striped hulls. (CoK)

Cyпергигантский корабль
400 вёсел: Tyrion looked down upon the farewells from the high deck of King Robert’s Hammer, a great war galley of four hundred oars. (CoK)
And where was King Robert’s Hammer? She was the largest war galley in the royal fleet, four hundred oars, the only warship the boy king owned capable of overmatching Fury. (CoK)

И, наконец, совершенная, невообразимая монструозность, Титаник Вестероса:
800 вёсел: The dromonds rising on the river would give her that. Her flagship would dip twice as many oars as King Robert’s Hammer. (FoC)

Нет, как хотите, но тут Мартин точно маху дал...

Edited: Единственно, что мне приходит в голове - что Серсеин заказ на это плавучее чудовище кораблестроители приняли, поскольку опасались спорить со взбалмошной королевой, но исполнять не торопились. Короли сейчас мрут как мухи, valar morghulis, и всё такое...

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