(no subject)

Jan 15, 2011 15:19

My first post of the year and my first post in my 20s. I'm starting to feel a little bit older (considering I didn't the last couple of birthdays, this was sort of unexpected) but it's in a good way.

I have a few things I need to post to people (because even though I'm feeling older, I am in no way grown up yet and regularly put off things for no reason) and while I'm at it, I was wondering if anyone wanted to swap addresses and postcards/care packages? Message me if you do because gathering items is great fun and receiving them is even better! (aphrodite_mine - I got your package two days before my birthday and I loved it :D) I'm stocking up on postcards, so if you want one, please give me your address. (zephyr_tempest - I found yours but as I said, I suck and haven't sent things yet)

I've got a few fics and drabbles in the works or saved on my computer, not to mention the original I spoke about in the last post which has now reached true saga proportions, so some of those will hopefully get posted in the near future.

So, natural disaster in Australia, hey? It sorta sucks. Touch wood none of my family has been hurt, though word has it my Aunt's house is flooded in central Victoria. I had cousins who were supposed to evacuate Brisbane but I think they were okay in the end. And my parent's house came close when the creek near them flooded. Prayers to all those souls who are lost or missing.

How has everyone's new year been? 

real life

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