May 05, 2009 10:31
Well, I had a really odd dream last night, in about three parts but I only remember the last one.
I do know that the first two had a lot to do with costumes and wanting to show people mine, it was a really nice one, not cheap-o, which was in a bag.... dunno why.
Any way it slowly turned into a college type dream where I at one point spied a lost friend I haven't seen in over a year, Hillary. We talk and walk down this heavily wooden and populated college walkway, It was wood because most of it was dark brown and just heavy looking. I guess my dreams don't like cement :)
So as we walk along, we talk and I find out that the biggest reason I haven't seen her is because she's been put in charge of taking care of two dragons, yeah, dragons. A male and female and for some reason at that point I realize that there are freizes on the wooden walls and the counter area we are now at of the dragons. I can vividly remember that the male was called Ram and I kept wanting to extend it to Ranma in my head, why was I fighting it so? I didn't remember the females name.
Anyway, suddenly across the counter, which is like a large circle with a diameter of 7 feet, we see Brendan Fraser and he is looking oh so innocent as he did in the movie Blast from the Past, yet in dungarees and a tan shirt.
Now the romance movie part of the dream starts, seems that Hillary and Brendan were dating but it was broken off. It almost seems that since he is on the opposite side of the counter, he can't see us, which is really odd since we were not so far away.
So, Hillary makes a quick move to leave out the door just behind us, yet I call out. "You know he was never the same after you left." just as she exits the door, like . We wait a moment and she comes back over to me and asks,"Then can you explain about what happened before?"
"Oh that" I say "When he left you for a bit?" And it feels in my head that EVERYONE knew about it like it was a Hollywood break up.
It seems that what my mind created is that Brendan left Hillary for about a 2 month span before coming back, they got back together for a bit, and then Hillary dropped him like a stone and left suddenly. Hollywood romance, ain't it?
I state to her that it was because he had been scared of their relationship, not knowing where things were going.
Hillary seems sated with that answer and we leave, BYE Brendan!, that was his only cameo.
Later on, we are walking down a long cascade of stairs with break off floors every so many steps, when she suddenly spots a guy with a woman in a long purple dress. She starts freaking out, stating that the guy is her boss or some kind of higher up and she gets so nervous, as we still walk down the stairs with him close behind, she starts repeating his address and info, like a nervous tick. I try pinching her hand to get her to stop, since he'd notice someone frantically chittering away than someone just walking down the stairs, but it does nothing.
We get out the door and turn right into a large menagerie of people selling wares and just walking we turn and act like we are looking at the sale of a Broadway PlayBill, just the book.. in a plastic bag with yellow on one edge :), suddenly he notices her and comes up to say Hello to her in a very genial way. We say hi, turn, and leave.
After that it just begins alot of walking, finding our selves on a dead end staircase over what does not appear to be lava but something sinister you woundn't want to walk in. There are lots of tables with food on them and at one point I grab something in the form of a granola bar and it looks like it has mealworms in place of the granola...........................
There are even a few places where there is a table piled high with food and a candleabra yet its on a small staircase of just a small floor and about 12 steps down, which is surrounded by rails all the way around and not connected to any other floor or steps, so its basically an island, dunno what the heck that was for!
So we just do alot more walking and get confronted by a band guy down the stairs who wants Hillary to put in her own two cents, somehow salmon was in there but what or why.... I dunno, but then we get saved by a orchestra conductor or butler that says she can't do that for him at the moment.
And thats about it, that was an odd trip but cool that I actually remembered enough to write out and had a past friend star in it too. :)