I don't really know what to do for my first post, so...

Nov 07, 2013 11:15

I guess I will write about my story first, and then about today.
Ok, it all starts with when I was seven... you see, my mother was not much of a mother. Because of this I was put in foster care. I won't get into my mother's details though. Soon enough her rights were terminated and I went into a relative's home. They where not good with children either, and I went to a third home. This one was a perfect fit and I was adopted. They had a tough time with me for a while because my biological mother never taught me that hitting other people was bad. Its not that I was stupid, its just that I had nobody close to me to reprimand me or who it seemed to matter to.So because nobody cared, I learned not to care. I knew no etiquette or manners and I was very misbehaved. My new mother straightened this out soon enough. Then my mother adopted a second child a year younger than me. We never get along, but I believe it is worse than the way other siblings get along. We have actually gotten in physical fights. Neither of us has punched the other but we have scratched, kicked, slapped, and pushed. But I do admit that we get along much better these days. I also admit that I have quite the temper!
When I was twelve years old I was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome, which was considered to be highly functional autism. Now, there is no aspergers and I am considered to have autism, but I am used to calling it aspergers. I have met people with lower functioning autism than I and the condition is so different! I am glad that I am high functioning. Sometimes if I think about it seems that people with high functioning autism are almost linking neurotypicals (those without autism)to those with low functioning autism. If there is a scientist with high functioning autism, I think they would understand someone with low functioning autism better and get more information in a study than an NT scientist would.