I got a key ring angel called 'Schutzengel' in the mail today. *smiles*
There was a note with him sounded something like this:
Here`s the key ring for you like I promised, don`t want you to get lost again (I`m not telling what that`s about *lol*)
The round plate says "I protect you" and the square one says "Friends forever"....*blushes*
It says: this guardian angel keeps watch over our friendship.
And on the back of the card he`s attached to it says: Your guardian angel watches over you because you mean so much to me.
(btw: he says all this in German, he`s from Berlin *nods*)
And I got Black Devil cigarettes too *bounces* They are black (off course) and they smell like vanilla. Makes me think of my doll
vikkilindWho off course was the person making my day today!
I got an angel and Devils all in one package *gggg* Ohhh...the irony in that....hmm, let`s not go there !
Thank you so much doll, I miss you too dear *nods very firmly* I`m so going to Berlin!!!