So, pizza...

May 29, 2015 21:59

Anyone who has heard me hold forth on the topic knows that I believe New York pizza to be the One True Pizza. But it would seem that California pizza styles have managed to creep in there as an influence, despite my best efforts at remaining a purist.

This became evident as brian1789 and I perused the menus for the most highly-rated deep dish pizza joints in Chicago tonight. "They don't have any really interesting ingredients, like roasted garlic or ricotta or artichoke hearts," I complained.

"Would you put those things on a New York pizza?" Jay asked. "Um, no..." I said. "Well those ingredients are California-style," Jay said, "You're not going to find them in an authentic Chicago pizza any more than you'd find them on an authentic New York pie."

Sigh, he's right. It would seem that living in California has managed to influence my food tastes after all.
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