Please Adopt Me

Jan 13, 2007 21:23

Here are most of the unwritten requests for the last round.

It's a first come, first serve occasion. If you see something you like, drop a comment with the request you're taking and an estimated date for its posting. The only rule is 1000 words as a minimum.

Thank you,



• Romantic comedy would be nice, but I'll take anything as long as it isn't dark, angsty or painful
• Rating (and whether or not smut is involved) at the author's discretion
• "You keep saying that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means." Quote doesn't have to appear in the fic; please consider it as inspiration.

Giles or Giles/Xander or Giles/Holmes (author's discretion)
• Gen or slash
• Rating (and whether or not smut is involved) at the author's discretion
• Crossover with Sherlock Holmes in whatever manner the author sees fit
• I can't help but think there would be some quality snark between Giles and Holmes, especially when it comes to working together to locate a fairly dangerous mystical artifact.

Giles or Giles/male character of author's choice
• Gen or slash
• Rating (and whether or not smut is involved) at the author's discretion
• Crossover with the 9th Doctor, with Captain Jack in tow, please
• Is it demon or alien? I imagine the argument could be fun.

THANK YOU, jedibuttercup!

Req2A (taken by jedibuttercup)
Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in. Spike/Illyria
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too. Wes/Lilah
Things you want: Post NFA, Wes & Lilah both dead but on Earth, a meeting in a bar, Spike suffering injuries from the battle still
Things you don’t want: no fluff please, no character death (outside of those already dead)
Extras: any rating is fine, R would be great; I love angst and dark fic

Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in. Angel/Lindsey
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too. Ethan, Giles (together is fine)
Things you want: post NFA, Lindsey not dead or back from the dead, swords, Lindsey playing the guitar
Things you don’t want: no fluff, no other slash pairings
Extras: angst and dark is great, NC17 is great, having some humor is also great

Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in. Buffy/Lindsey
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too. Angelus
Things you want: Season 6 BtVS, Lindsey comes to Sunnydale; at some point, so does Angelus (and rather than kill off Spike or try to write around him if it's too difficult, please just have him disappearing over the summer Buffy's in heaven)
Things you don’t want: no fluff, no character death
Extras: NC17 is fine, dark and angst is great


Req4 (taken by bethynyc)
Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in: B/A, or Buffy, Angel, maybe Faith, if it works for the story
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too: I'd like Willow and Wesley if it works for the story...other than that I can't pick someone, I guess I'm fine with everything
Things you want: anything is fine, canon, future-fic, AU, *mh* I'd like to read a B/A future-fic, post NFA but the other things are fine, too.
Things you don’t want: No Buffy/Spike or Angel/Cordelia. I'd love some romance/fluff/smut...some angst would be great but right now I think I need a happy ending.
Extras: highest rating: NC-17, any genre


Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in: Wes/Giles
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too: whoever is needed to make the story work
Things you want: Could you do dark romance? Not dark as in kinky or angsty, but dark as in there are dark forces that stand in the way of their love. Alt post NFA where Wesley lives is wonderful, or an alternate between the seasons.
Things you don’t want: No non-con, mpreg, bsdm, spanking. No mean Buffy. No mean Wesley.
Extras: horror/mystery genre, open on rating, though I do like nice kisses!

Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in: Wes/Spike
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too: Any Ats s5
Things you want: Poetry. Mention of or travel to England and British Bonding. Alt Ats S5 where Wes and Spike are in an established relationship.
Things you don’t want: Angelus, Mean Angel (though snarky or confused Angel is fine)
Extras: Go for it, though I think they would be really hot together!

Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in: Wes/Xander, Alt post NFA where Wesley lives. Yes, I live in a river in Egypt.
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too: whoever fits.
Things you want: Set in a different setting (Europe, Canada, Alt dimension), the start of a relationship between them, UST and deciding to take a chance on each other. Some hurt/comfort would be lovely
Things you don’t want: No mean anyone! No non-con, though drunken fumbling is okay.
Extras:Go for it on rating, genre can be flexible, though having them team up to solve a mystery or problem would be fun. Working together


Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in: Angel/Wes
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too: Anyone else that fits
Things you want: Something angsty and sexy...dark is good...Include weapons and I'm a happy camper...
Things you don’t want: So not fluff...seriously
Extras: highest rating, genre: I'm all about the porn...but anything over PG-13 is good.

Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in: Spike/Xander
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too: Anyone who fits in
Things you want: Post-Chosen, Fight Sex (either them fighting each other, or the two of them battling some evil nasty...and either way it leads to something else)...bonus if it's first time.
Things you don’t want: I'm fairly open here
Extras: Rish to NC-17

Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in: Dru/Spike, Spike/Angel(us), Dru/Angel(us)
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too: You could toss in Buffy and Faith, just to see where it goes...
Things you want: Not picky on setting, Dark, BDSM play...kinky and hot, please!
Things you don’t want:I'm good with just about anything.
Extras: The hotter the better


Req7A (Taken by carlyinrome)
I think Cordy/Wes on Bones would be fun. And an "R" rating, at most. With several characters stuck in a car at some point.

Lilah/Giles (I've never read that). I'd like them to share a meal.

I'd like to see Cordelia or Tara on Firefly. I don't think you need any more challenge than that.

THANK YOU, lit_chick

Set: Total AU: On a Ranch, in CA or Texas.
Buffy has taken a job on a Ranch for the summer to help pay off some student loans, Angel is a resident ranch hand.
Characters/Pairings you want : B/A
Other characters/Pairings you want in the story too: Anyone else you want, as long as it doesn't mess with B/A. I mean, you can have one or more character try to interfere with/be with one of them at the beginning, but it needs to end B/A
Things you want: Angel on a horse... (if you write nothing else but this I will be happy,) an awkward first meeting for B/A because Buffy was expecting a girl. A kiss under the stars.
Things you don’t want: Cordy/Connor (icky), death, any real dark themes (rape, murder, etc)
Extras: Happy ending

Req8B (taken by lea2004)
Set: Post-NFA
Buffy training the new Slayers, one of the girls ( could be Kennedy, but ONLY if you wanna write her) see her and Angel them kissing before a class and decides to out/question Buffy in front everything.
Pairings you want : B/A
Other Characters/Pairings you want in the story too: Random SiTs,
Things you want: Angel coming to help train the girls (that's why he's there), the girls grilling Buffy on her relationship with Angel,with her explaining why it's different. At least one of the girls, upon seeing Angel says "Hello salty goodness."
Things you don’t want: Death, sad endings, Spike screwing things up.
Extras: Little bit of fluff, Happy ending

Req8C (taken by lit_chick)
Set: Post-NFA
Pairings you want : B/A
Other Characters/Pairings you want in the story too: Toss in who
else you want, but you can just leave it B/A
Things you want: Smut, a ball of yarn and Angel in jeans if you can make it work.
Things you don’t want: Death, sad endings, Spike screwing things up.
Extras: Fluff, you can throw in angst, but I need some fluff. Happy ending.

THANK YOU, redeem147!
Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in: Dru and River
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too: Any het pairings except River/Jayne, but no explicit sex, and I prefer that the fic not focus on any pairings.
Things you want: Dru winds up on the Serenity somehow. What do she and River make of each other?
Things you don’t want: No slash, femmeslash, or smut. I'd like this to be very, very gen.
Extras: Make it as dark or as light as you like.

Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in: Wes, Spike, and Illyria get sent to Dr. Greg House, MD, to see if he can "cure" Illyria. The catch is, Spike doesn't want Illyria to go they have to try to get Fred back without hurting Illyria.
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too: Cuddy, the Ducklings. Bonus points if you can get Lorne in there.
Things you want: Snark. Also "...and then she turned blue?" A mention of W&H being a contributor to the hospital would be shiny.
Things you don’t want: Would prefer genfic, although if you can somehow pair up House and Cuddy, that would be awesome.
Extras: No higher than PG-13, please. And you don't necessarily have to be able to bring Fred back.

Req9C (taken by redeem147)
Characters/Pairings you want the story to focus in: A "Bones" crossover starring Spike. Bonus points if you can get Lorne and/or Illyria in there.
Characters/Pairings you want in the story too: Canon characters from Bones. If Angela and Hodgins can have a date, that would be awesome. The date doesn't necessarily have to go WELL, and you could just mention it in passing.
Things you want: Post-NFA, an odd skeleton gets sent to the Jeffersonian from LA.
Things you don’t want: No smut, please.
Extras: No higher than R for violence. I love genfic.
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