Round 7 - Buffyverse

Jan 20, 2012 12:36

The people have spoken, and this new round will again be focused on the Buffyverse. Any character, any pairing, any season, and if you want to play with characters from other fandoms, crossovers are *love*! Btw, comic-based stories are welcome too.

Spread the word, I'm looking forward to 20 25 30 Buffyverse authors on this round, but we all know that it's more fun when there are more people to play with!

- Rules.
- Questions and doubts go HERE.

To join this ficathon, please fill the questionnaire below. Don't be afraid to go into detail!


Today - Jan 29th: Sign up period.

Jan 30th: Author List will be posted.

Jan 30th - February 5th: Choosing Time

February 7th: I'll email in your assignments

April 19th*: DEADLINE.

*Betaed stories can be posted before the deadline.


Choose Your Author ficathon

1) Authorname:
2) Email:

3) Genre(s) you write (Gen, Romance, Angst, everything):
4) Genre(s) you do not write:
5) Highest rating you write (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17):
6) Which characters/pairings are the easiest for you to write?:
7) Do you only write those characters/pairings or are you willing to include others?:
8) If there's a character/pairing you'd like to experiment with, it'd be...
09) Would you write Unconventional Pairings? (UC: couples that were never seen in the shows, i.e.: Willow/Spike, Tara/Xander...)
10) Would you write Slash Pairings? (If so, m/m and/or f/f?)
11) Would you write AR stories? (Alternate Reality, strays from canon at one point):
12) Would you write AH stories? (All Human - no vampires, no Hellmouth.):
13) Would you write crossovers? (If so, with which fandoms? If you have a favorite character/pairing for those fandoms, please add them.)
14) If there is an episode/season you would focus in it'd be...:
15) Your focus is AtS, BtVS or both?
16) Would you include the comic-canon into your story?
17) Which characters/pairings would you never ever write?:

18) How long would your story be? (~1000 words, ~5000 words, etc):
19) How much do you want to be challenged? (Give me something simple/Give me the wackiest request ever/Something in-between.):
20) Would you write back-up?
21) Would you beta? (If yes, please say what pairings/characters you'd beta)
22) Comments, suggestions:

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28 sign ups so far.

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