May 03, 2004 13:45
Well, i had a very important exam today, not necessarily more important than any of the other exams, but this one counted more for me....I havent been doing as well as I would like to be doing academically. Well, I am great with the patients, all of the nurses that I work with enjoy working with me, and tell the others that I do very well, but as far as the exams, I suck.....well, I just dont tend to apply myself as much as I need to....Anyway, I took a test today, that could have either made me fail really badly in the course, and would have made me re-take the last 9 weeks, or it could have made the final a lot less stressfull.....I did a good was a 45 question exam, and I only missed 3. That put me back up to a grade that I am a lot more happy with. and took a bit of stress off of the final. the final is in 16 day, and it primarily covers the next two weeks of lecture, but also is comprehensive of all of the material for the past 9 weeks.....I have a lot of studying to do for the next 15 days, but after that, it is FUN FUN FUN!!! The final is on May 19th, a wednesday, Then that saturday is my birthday, and that weekend is PRIDE.....I was more excited about the whole pride festival thing a month ago, it should be fun, depending on if my friends are going to join me....but anyway, it's kewl, then I have to pack, and hop on the plane to spend a whole month in europe. I am so excited about that, it is quite overwhelming. I still ned to figure out where I want to travel to, and what I want to see.....Another catch is that Rachels sister in law is due to deliver her baby the week I get there, so I may be spending that week with them....OOOOOH a new kewl is that.....ok, I gotta get going, but speeking of babies, I had a little chat with my mom the other day, about babies, and how Rachel and I want them...not now, but in the future, and the different methods that we have can be a touchy subject with the parents, but she was pretty supportive, and kind of excited about the whole that was nice...anyway....peace out....