Jan 15, 2004 23:17
I find it hard to believe, though I have felt it on too many occasions, that there is so much hate in this world. So much anger toward anything different from that of the tiny world so many people believe is reality for all. So much hate that is spawned from ignorance. I don't understand how people can say such hurtful things to others, and believe that it should just be accepted. I don't understand how ignorance can be bliss....
I saw the little aol link to the discussion board about the recent attempts at making homosexual marriage bans a constitutional amendment. I do agree with freedom of speech, I do agree that people should be able to express their opinions. I don't agree with the hateful and ignorant manner so many decide to use that freedom. Some of the things that people have the audacity to write are just horrible things. I just don't understand where so much hate can come from, I don't understand the contradictory manner in which their thought process is working. I just don't understand. I don't see how someone can relate a homosexual with a pedophile or with incest, or beastiality. I don't know how someone can call themselves a christian, and say that they love me because they have to, yet finish the sentence with such hate. I don't have anything against religion, I admire someone who has the ability to believe in something so strong. I don't admire those who feel the need to force their opinions on others. I don't admire those who believe that their way is the only way, and any other way is wrong, and those who don't follow will burn in hell. I don't understand......I don't understand why people feel it absolutely necessary to absolutely trash someone else's lifestyle, and take action to repress others when what I do won't have any affect on their life. I don't see how my ability to marry the person I love will affect anyone but myself and the person I love. I just don't get it. It hurts me inside when I read such things. I know that the world we live in today is a lot different than it used to be. I know that there have been so many things to bring as much "equality" as there currently is. I just don't feel like it is enough. I want to be able to go to the movies with the person I love and hold her hand, and not spend the night wondering what person is going to fuck with me tonight. Seeing every person walk by me and stare at me like I am an outcast, or a side show freak. I want to be able to kiss my girlfriend without having to look around before hand to make sure it is safe for us. I want to be able to take a road trip, and not worry about what city or town I stop in because I wont be accepted in certain places. The things that people say on the bulletin board are horrible, and it really upsets me, but when someone is looking you dead in the eye and telling you that you are disgusting, and are going to burn in hell, or that they are going to kick the shit out of you because they don't like the way I live my life, it sucks. I want so badly for people to be able to see the inner beauty of people, not what the color of their skin is, not who they happen to share a bed with, not if they have a physical or mental disability. But what's inside, the person in front of them. I know that that may never happen, there are so many prejudices in this world, I can just hope that my children will live in a more accepting world than I do. I know that they will not see someone for the color of their skin, I know that they will love the person in front of them not for what they are, but for who they are.....I will make it happen, I just hope that there are others who have the same dream....