Once there was a lake on a mountain...

Oct 19, 2008 23:30

I went out for a drive today to get some pictures since Sam was asleep in the van. After some driving around I ended up at Mountain Lake. For those who don't know, the lake has been accused of slowly draining for some time now. Apparently, though, it has always been draining, it's just getting less water in than out these days. Either way it's quite a sight to see!

So, here are the pictures. All of them would have been great fall foliage pictures if the lake had been there. Without the lake it's just weird. I would have tried for some better shots, but Sam had decided that two months worth of sliding off couches was sufficient training to negotiate steep, rocky terrain.

Well, here is it. It's kind of an unbelievable sight. I never realized how deep the lake actually was, so I was expecting sort of a shallow field like the drill field. Instead it looks like a massive crater in the middle of the woods. Look closely for the people in the pictures so you get the true sense of scale. The longer the water is gone the less muddy it is. People were walking all over the place today

Apparently they kept moving the boat dock farther down the lake as it drained.You can see a few paddle boats and a 20 foot catamaran all beached with the dock. The lake bed gradually gets deeper starting at the resort end with the deepest part on the far end of the lake, where these pictures were taken.

Those who have been to the lake before should recognize the large rocks in the next picture. You can also see the edge of the dock on the cottage. Those used to sit in several feet of water. You can see the large holes where all the water has drained out.

Below is a shot standing next to the large rocks and looking up the lake towards the resort. You can once again see the large holes where all the water has drained. This shot gives some perspective, since I would have been standing in about three feet of water back when the lake was full.

Here's a picture of the foliage, which is the kind of picture I was expecting to get today, not any of the above!

If you've been there before, I'd recommend checking it out. All the cool views are at the far end of the lake from the resort. There's informal parking at the far end of the lake by the private cottage, or just a few hundred feet up the road is a trail head where you can drop $3 in a slot to park, then hike a bit down to the lake.

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