Jun 04, 2006 11:09
You know its weird, I just read a post from my friend Jimmy about a young 28 y/o girl dieing in a car crash sometime earlier this week. It’s like more people are dieing in car crashes lately…and at young ages. But in the same respect there are also a lot more people are dieing in general at young ages! Most from cardiac arrest or overdose…but in both cases, they are usually related to drugs.
Most of these people are people with previous drug use, i.e. coke and meth. The damage that these drugs cause to your heart is un-repairable. The sad part is, these are people who stopped when they were in their late 20’s and early 30’s, and because of the damage are having sudden cardiac events that we can’t bring back with our medications. It is hard to think about passing away in my 30’s and 40’s… I know I am preaching to the wrong crowd of people. But I feel after seeing the post by Jimmy it was time to reflect on what I have been seeing in real life. What I experience and see on a daily basis…
The past month we had three fatal car accidents and all with young people. Some involving Alcohol but not just that…a few, the result of increased testosterone. Boys being boys and showing off! Those who are innocent are usually the ones that lose in the end and many times the person at fault lives a long healthy life. I guess that is enough ranting…I just want to end by saying be safe! Think before you act and most of all think before you drive because you don’t know what could be around the corner. Be safe so tomorrow you are still here and I can give you a big hug!